Trying New Concept (intro)

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Hello ! If you re reading my book from the very start untill here , i appreciate that alot. If you re new here , im glad too! I will try to update and write a lot.

So , about the new concept. For some future chapters , i try to write something i enjoy a lot. Which is a slice of life genre. There wont be any specific plot , ending or whatsoever , but experience of how would it be to be part of IZONE member life. Both AU and them as an idol. I try my best to wrote it in a first person view .

Why? I dont want to have a hard time of using he/she him/her HAHA This is to cater to reader of any gender . I keep using male reader pov , so in the future i hope female reader also can enjoy my writing.

Another thing , im not that good in writing. Limited vocab and may using repetitive words but i hope what i try to deliver is easily understand. The experience , the imagination . I hope the reader would be immersed into the story , escape reality for awhile. Because isnt tht why we re here ? ;)

Once again, thanks everyone !

new format

those with <3 on the title is part of this series

italic - dialog
bold italic - another person dialogue
normal - narrative

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