chapter 13

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"UGH OPPA THEY LEGIT HAVE 100 ADDRESS HOW R WE GONNA FIND THEMM" "I don't know what to say but I guess we should start now" "BUT MY KIMCHI FRIED RICE....." "ARI seriously come on" "OK FINEE UGH" "ok so first address looks like a mansion go get dressed" "ok..." I went to get dressed so I was wearing a black tank top with a tight leather jacket and pants with a mask yessss i am women in black
"Ok lets go now?" "Yeah..." "ok so hop in the car"
Jungkook POV
"So we have arrived"."wow this area gives me horror vibes" "ikr....."it is a creepy black mansion in the middle of nowhere sara bravely goes and knocks on the door a man comes out smirking sara pulls her gun up the smirk of the mam turns into fear "does lee ari and kim taehyung live here?" "Oh those people left long time ago" "oh... do u  know where they went" "ah yes they told they shifted to xxxx street" oh that is the 2nd address ok I guess
Taehyung POV
"A CIRCUS SERIOUSLY!!!" "Chill ari I don't think its what we r imagining" "YEAH RIGHT!"
Few hours later..........
Still taehyung POV
Aish finally we r home we finished like 57 address we will eat something and go to the 3 places tomorrow am so tired damn that was tiring sara and kookie for u both we r working the shit out of us ugh why can't we just findddd themmmmm
Skip night time....
Sara POV
Am here in the apartments am sitting on the bench alone in my room cuz I don't want them to see me cry thinking about them.... I miss them a lott like soooo muchhhhh I open my phone and look at the photo me and ari took it us facing our backs at the camera making a heart at han river her favourite place I didn't realise that I started to cry I really miss them a lottt
Ughhh after the confession we went to the han river then that stupid fight happened because of me ughh I really fucked up
"This is my favourite place ever" ari says  "its beautiful just like you" oppa replies making ari shy "haha have ur moment u two" "haha u too" "taehyung....." I say "yes baby" he replied "I love you so much my baby" I say he smiled and pulls me closer he locks his lips into mine I nibble on his lower lip making him moan softly he asked permission for his tounge I don't let him to test him he tightens his grip on my waist making me open my mouth as soon as I did that he slides his tounge in me I also explore his mouth every single place we break the kiss to catch up on our breaths we look into each other's eyes and his eyes glitter amazingly he kissed ny forehead and hugs me "I love you my little baby" "I love you tae... I love you" "hmm lets go bow its getting late we need to eat dinner ok?" I just nodded and before we left I saw taehyung's face he started smirking making me confused "we r gonna sleep together tonight baby" he says making me understand his smirk "WHAT" "haha be ready my love" he says and I roll my eyes and we go home
*End of Flashback*
I started to cry really hard I decided to go down to the garden cuz I don't want oppa to see me I go down and see a girl sitting alone on the garden bench I go closer to her I see Lalisa she is crying it breaks my heart when I see her crying like this.....

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