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Jughead's POV
Today I was having dinner with Betty's family, I was getting dressed and getting ready to head over. As I drove all the way their I had some flowers for Betty, I knocked on the door and Mr Cooper opened it, I smiled as I saw Betty and she hugged me.

"Thank you for coming..."

I sighed and said "being with your idiotic family...I'm excited."

She laughed and Mr Cooper smiled saying "I hope you like what we made, chicken pot pie."

Betty smiled and I kissed her as she went over to put the flowers in a vase. As I sat with her on the couch the doorbell rang. We got up and Betty went to open the door and suddenly her other half of her family was all glitz and glam and they smiled coming in.

"Hello Betty, my sweet sweet daughter."

Her mom kissed her cheek as Betty looked confused especially because Betty and her dad were wearing simple clothes and they wore all glam even with intense makeup, she kissed Betty's cheek again.

She saw me saying "Jughead..."

I gulped saying "it's nice to see you ms..."

She then said "Cooper."

Betty said "Smith, she's not married anymore."

I smiled and shook her hand as she gave me a kiss on my cheek and I was kinda grossed out.

Polly hugged Betty saying "I've missed you so much Betty! I hope we can be sisters like old times. And this handsome man is lucky to have you..."

Polly smiled at me and I shook her hand as Charles her older brother hugged Betty and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you so much when I left for college, how have you been? I'm sorry for what we've dealt with Jughead, friends?"

He reached for my hand and hesitantly I shook his and we all sat down. Betty and I were eating and she was talking with me mainly.

Suddenly Ms Smith said "so Jughead, Betty has told me your a billionaire."

Betty was confused saying "I never told anyone that...how did you?"

Her mom scoffed saying "so, we were wondering when is the wedding? So I can help my dear daughter out and we can get our fair share of cuts."

I was confused and said "cuts?"

Suddenly Polly said "cold cuts! Uhh my mother meant cold cuts such as the meat?"

I then said "we're not getting married at the moment...maybe in the future but as of right now Betty and I just want to strengthen our bond no?"

She smiled and kissed me and Ms Smith said "but Betty has a ring."

I sighed and said "as a promise ring, to love her, protect her, be with her at all times..."

Betty smiled biting her bottom lip as I kissed her forehead.

Charles then asked me "what do you do for a living?"

I stopped looking at Betty and looked at him.


He asked "what do you do as your job, I work as an FBI Agent, what do you work as?"

I smiled lightly saying "why does that matter?"

He shrugged asking "I would like to know where your income comes from, in case your a drug runner or a assassin?"

Mr Cooper then said "don't be rude Charles. Your an adult."

I smiled as Charles asked "where'd you go to school?"

I smiled saying "University of Ohio, then I went for my Masters at Berkley for business."

He then said "so your job?"

I then said "business, I'm the CEO of my own company Jones's Enterprises. I'm a billionaire yes, however I don't let that money get over my head...I used to, but now I'm head over heals for your baby sister..."

Betty laughed and I smiled wrapping my arm around her waist as Mr Cooper smiled.

"Now is that it Charles?" I asked.

He then said "yeah...I was just interested because we have you as a suspect for murder in our files."

I smiled saying "I know, I've been interviewed, I was at home, all day with my lover at the time."

He sighed and said "you sure?"

I nodded and said "you wanna know how I'm so sure?"

He nodded and I smirked "that women was your sister."

He glared at me and suddenly he tried punching me but I grabbed his fist.

I said "I've told you not to do that."

I slammed his hand on the table and he winced holding his hand and Mr Cooper looked at me.

I said "I'm sorry Mr Cooper..."

He then said "it's fine Jughead, Charles you are taking this extremely far, don't you dare make fun of Jughead's way of a living, he's a fine young man who's great for your sister and has treated her with more respect in these last few months then you have in her entire life!"

I gulped and Mr Cooper sighed and huffed as Betty grabbed him and he sat down and drank some water.

I said "you know what you don't even care about your father! I spent my own money into helping him to make Betty happy! Because he has been the only person besides myself who loves her! And you know....accusing me of murder when you don't even know me! The girl I was sleeping with was your fucking sister! I will admit it! I have many many many enemies! But if I were to kill someone, I have most likely a reason. So I hate all of you three now because you two fucking 'older siblings' didn't even help Betty when your mother kicked her out! You never fucking cared! And I have been grateful and been a burden to my baby sister because I was the one who fucked up! And you! God you are a fucking pathetic use of the word mother. My mother killed herself right in front of me! And she never looked back! And you fucking have the nerve to kick this girl out because of sex!? Sex! At least she wasn't a slut like your other daughter who got pregnant! At least Betty was fucking smart enough to have protection! And her father is the most amazing man in the world and I could never have that...I never did! So don't you dare say shit anymore about Betty and Mr Cooper! Because I was raped! Raped by my fathers girlfriend and my father never cared! So I went on a crazy drug and drinking binge! For three years! My little sister never gave up and found me help...and now I'm proud with the work I've done in my company! But you three! Your just sad...sad impressions for Betty...I have almost no family, for so many idiotic reasons, but you three...your cowards..."

I gulped after realizing what I just said, Betty looked at me and I gulped and grabbed my phone.

I said "I'm sorry...I...I have to go..."

I got up and ran out until I heard "Juggie..."

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