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Betty's POV
"R-really?" Jughead said shocked

I nodded and suddenly he kissed me and I held him and he held my leg to his side.

I smiled saying "yes...I'm just...will you leave me again...it's always dangling in my mind because if you leave me...I won't be able to ever be happy again."

He sighed and said "I can't say no but I promise I will always try...and if we're ever apart, I'll always be with you, in your heart, in your mind, everywhere."

I smiled and he did too and I kissed him again. Right after that we were having sex in one of the private rooms. Sex department may be a lot but...I honestly missed him, and I will do whatever he wants, because I love him. When we were finished he clipped my bra back on as I pushed it up.

He smiled saying "nope, these boobs are mine..."

I giggled and said "yes, yes but when it's work they're off the clock for you."

He frowned and I smiled as he kissed me again.

He said "god I love you..."

I giggled and he said "you know what, we're having a party I'm texting everyone and telling them we're gonna celebrate at my place."

I frowned and said "I feel bad for what I said to Veronica..."

He sighed and said "hey...you should talk to her okay? Here's her number."

I smiled and grabbed it as he kissed me and said "okay when you come visit we're staying up and I'm fucking you all night long."

I giggled and he then pulled out his wallet giving me a few hundreds and smirked.

"Thank you for the lap dance."

I rolled my eyes as he laughed and we both left. When my shift ended he drove me home.

"You sure you'll be okay?" He asked.

I nodded and kissed him and said "night Juggie."

I got out walking in my heels and grabbing my duffel bag from his trunk.

I waved goodbye but before he left I heard "Betty!? Omg! Can I have those shoes!"

I saw Polly and sighed "what do you want Polly?"

She then said "duh those heels, I'm meeting a client soon."

I scoffed shaking my head "these are mine and your not having them."

Suddenly she pushed me but I just stepped back and I did an illusion and kicked her face.

She held her jaw yelling "what the hell Betty!? Where'd you even learn that!"

I then said "a long time ago so I wouldn't have to be your little sister anymore!"

I punched her too and said "I had to give up everything! To save our dad! You gave up everything because of some stupid baby's! You don't even take care of them! I haven't even met them and they must be just like you a snobby bitch! Just cause you didn't wear a condom this happens! I had to give up everything...to save the only person that believed and loved me."

She ran at me but I kicked her again and she fell to the floor.

I said "don't make this harder Polly please..."

She ran at me again but I just moved and she fell to the floor and I just ran inside. I locked my door and sighed leaning my head back and walking away. The next morning I texted Veronica to come to my house. She did and knocked on the door, I opened the door and she walked in and she sat on the couch.

I closed the door and sat beside her saying "look I'm sorry for what I said...it's just...everyone left me and again it was me and my dad...I love him but...I missed my family."

She then said "I'm so so sorry Betty...I wanted you to be safe."

I smiled and said "I understand that now...I just missed you."

I hugged her and she hugged me too and I smiled. Veronica and I hung out the whole day, I showed her around, we went to Pops, we went to the mall, we went by my old High School, we went my dads office to drop off some snacks for him. It was amazing. As we finished our day we were at Pops.

She said "this place has amazing milkshakes."

I smiled saying "I used to come here everyday when I was a kid..."

Suddenly Pop Tate came over and smiled saying "hello Betty are you girls done yet?"

I shook my head saying "I think I want an orange freezie."

He laughed and nodded saying "alright."

He walked back and I said "I used to get them all the time with my dad when I was younger, when he got divorced I only ate those for a straight week."

She laughed and said "well I invited some guys..."

I was confused and suddenly saw Jughead and Archie come through the doors. I smiled and they came over and sat next to us. Jughead wrapped his arm around me and I smiled as I saw Veronica and Archie kiss, I frowned as I imagined myself all alone back in sophomore year. And I gulped getting up from the chairs and saw four other people now sitting and frowned.

Pops asked "Betty is your mom coming?"

I would shake my head saying "I'm waiting for my dad...he just lives farther..."

I frowned as he nodded and suddenly I saw my dad "I'm so sorry I'm late sweetheart."

He kissed my head and I smiled.

I snapped out of it as Jughead asked me "you okay?"

I smiled and nodded saying "everything's perfect..."

He smiled and kissed me, I kissed him back and smiled as he said "Veronica...you need to do Betty's hair again...I liked it the other way. Not better, but I did enjoy it."

I smiled and kissed him as he kissed me.

He dropped me off home saying "tomorrow they're flying in and coming to my place, we'll celebrate."

I smiled and kissed him, he kissed me back.

"I love you Betty." He told me.

I then said "I love you too..."

He smiled and I got a call from my dad "yeah dad?"

He yawned saying "I'm working overnight, I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

He hung up and I turned to Jughead and said "do you wanna...spend the night?"

He smiled and I smiled opening my door and letting him walk in as I locked it shut.

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