Chapter 4 - The Eternal Paradise Cult

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A black void expanding seemingly infinitely envelops the surroundings of a body. Stuck in an ethereal state. The few senses left in it noticed a sinking feeling. Being consumed by a dark blue water. Akin to the breathing styles of many slayers. The lack of stimulation placing the subject into a relaxed state. Suddenly, a burning sensation could be felt. Unable to scream, the body laid still, laying witness to the sights before it. The blue hues becoming twisted into blood red, threatening tones swallowing the environment until everything is left a blur.

Eyes parted slowly, revealing a small, cramped room akin to a cell. Looking down, pale fingers tipped with long, uncut and sharp nails. Smooth skin with no signs of any scar tissue to be seen. Wearing nothing but rags, the awoken prisoner stood up to explore his surroundings. Now that his sight was better, he noticed that the room was much better decorated than one would first assume. The walls decorated with paintings of a red sea crashing onto village shores. The tatami mats topped off with little amounts of relatively fancy furniture. Nothing but a bed with a desk beside it. Odd that he had awoken on the floor. He inspected further finding a crumbled up paper in one of the desk drawers. In messy handwriting, written in what seemed to be blood, the word 'Kōkai'. He pondered the meaning of this strange detail. Standing still for a prolonged period of time.

"It's your name."

A high, seemingly friendly voice approached him from behind. A soft, well kept hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to see a demon with long flowing blonde hair with a red stain coating his top. He wore a big black hat as well as red and purple robes. His eyes were sparkling with a rainbow glow with the Kanji for 'Upper Moon 2' across them. "I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Douma. And I am your creator" he said. Wide, welcoming smile across his face. However, it was off. Nothing new for him but it was unnoticeable to the until now, unnamed demon. "Creator?" He uttered his first word. "Yes. Your creator. My blood, or rather, the blood of my master has created you." His words further confused Kōkai. "Your master?" He questioned. "Wow. Straight to the point are we?" 'Hmm. He's not too dissimilar from his old self it seems' he though. Internally frowning. 'Oh well, there's time in his development to fix that' he planned. "It seems I need to teach you about our society. Now worries.

You are a demon. A being capable of far more than anything else in this world. Our species spawned from one gracious man. Muzan Kibutsuji. A man stronger than anyone else who hides himself in the shadows. His name must never be spoken by a regular demon like you. However, if you advance up the ranks, you may gain a freedom and trust from our King and saviour" he explained to the lower demon. "Ranks? What are these ranks?" "Ah yes. The ranks. Muzan has many demon followers. Thousands scattered across Japan. However, above all of these are the 12 Moons. Beings who have the been granted the most blood by Muzan and are the strongest of our kind. Ranked by number, the Moons are Muzan's main followers."

"So that's what it says on you eyes." Kōkai answered as he pointed towards the Upper Moon's pupils. "Wow. You catch on quick. Yes. The Moons used to be split into 2 groups. The Upper and Lower Ranks. However, due to a multitude of failures from the Lower Ranks, what was once an order of 12 demons was reduced to the 6 Upper Moons. Including myself. Upper Moon 2. And with that, you have everything you need to know. For now at least."

The lower demon rested his head on his hand and took in all the information. What would normally be an information overload to a new creature like him seemed relatively simple to what was looking to be a prodigy among demon kind. He took another look at his surroundings and questioned his current situation. "Where am I?" Douma gave a confused look before suddenly realising what he was talking about and made a sound of realisation. "Right. Well, how about instead of just telling you, I show you instead." He said leading the demon out of his confinement. Passing, hallway after hallway, Kōkai was eventually led to what seemed to be a common room.

Red flags draped down the walls donning emblems of what appeared to be a religious symbol. Large mats were scattered across the floor. The furniture seemed almost regal and elegant. Tinted with upper class materials only the rich could possibly afford. Dotted across the room were many young women doing tasks around the place. Walking like soldiers with monotone faces decorated by a small smile of contempt. Douma led his tourist along the room, sliding a door open into another hallway. Paying no attention to the adoring faces of his servants. "This is the Eternal Paradise Cult. Of course this is just one of my many facilities that worship this religion but this is one of my main ones." He explained. "Cult? What do you do in this cult?" The lower demon responded.

Douma laughed at his question, gesturing for him to come to a door on the other side of the hallway. Sliding it open, a room filled to brim with bloodied  corpses was all that could be seen. The blood and gore coated the walls leaving a horrific sight. The Upper Moon kept the same straight face as Kōkai stared in a slight shock. His mouth drooling, nostrils flaring to take in the smell of blood in the air. A slight shiver of starvation ran down his body. Noticing this, Douma laughed once more, patting him on the shoulder. "Go ahead. I'm sure you're hungry. Eat away!"

Without a second of delay, the infant demon took his offer. Rushing to the ground and grasping on the bodies and beginning to devour all he could. Animal instincts kicked in as he mindlessly tore limbs from torsos and shredded the remains between sharp teeth. Douma merely watched, grinning as he did so before he began speaking again. "My methodology gives humans contempt even in death. Humans are such pitiful creatures after all. Confined to their meek bodies. Chained by the concept old age and death. They are undoubtedly an inferior species. But, the Eternal Paradise Cult gives them meaning. It allows them to serve a higher power. The dominant species that has claimed this land for generations. Instead of dying pointlessly, having achieved nothing, they fulfill a purpose. To become one with their leader and bring order to this world."

Kōkai continued feasting on the meal before him. Just barely listening through the wall that was his instincts to what Douma had to say. Giving a noise of understanding as response. Registering this, the Upper Moon continued. "Demons like you and I, we are the top of the food chain. Unbound by the cruel curse of age. Gifted with no boundaries for strength. Realistically, there should be no over purpose for humans than to serve their new rulers and give their lives for our pleasure. However, sadly they don't see it that way. They are too stubborn to accept their fate. It's why organisations like the Demon Slayer Corps ought to be rid of." He finished. A slight tint of anger coating that last line.

The lower demon turned his head in response. Giving a puzzled expression towards that final detail. "Ah yes. The Demon Slayer Corps. The true scum of this Earth. Though I do admit they offer some great entertainment. Led by a man known as Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the Slayer Corps are an organisation of swordsmen who have sworn to eliminate our kind. Though, they have been unsuccessful in taking down an Upper Moon for the last 100 years. Nevertheless, they still believe they can eliminate us, and so our Lord wants them gone. That, is our job. And you will be given tasks from Muzan to help towards exterminating them." He clarified.

"Muzan? I thought it was only the Moons who would have direct interactions with him." He questioned. Douma yet again laughed in response. "Of course silly! That's why you are going to become an Upper Moon. There's a reason I've used my precious time on you. You have potential." He said as his palm rested on his new creations head. "First, we must awaken your Blood Demon Art and hone it to it's finest degree. Then, once I deem you ready, I'll have you engage in a Blood Battle with the current Upper Moon 6. The poison user, Gyutaro." He clarified having now moved towards the door. Kōkai took in those words and looked below towards his hands. Now coated in blood. He concentrated a little. His breathing becoming more regulated and constant. More oxygen filled his lungs as tiny droplets of red water began surrounding him.

'Hmm. Amazing. He's already began regaining his total concentration breathing based on his bodily instincts alone. He's going to be an incredible demon.' Douma thought to himself. Internally cackling at his idea to bring a Hashira into their ranks. "So, Kōkai. Are you ready to begin your training?" He said, arm extended to reach to the other demon. He looked back up in response. For some reason, he fought the urge to let out tears. He won that battle easily but it was still odd to him that the feeling came up. He decided to ignore it and gave a quick answer to his superior. Getting up and following the Upper Moon out of the room and onward on his journey to join Muzan's finest ranks.

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