Chapter Eight: Champagne Problems

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Monday, 9:07 am

"I mean, you can say no, Grace," her boss pressed an apologetic, placating smile on her pretty face. "Nobody is gonna be mad and nobody's gonna be upset."


But what was she really supposed to say in this shit situation she'd found herself in? No, I really don't want to have to babysit an overgrown man-child in black leather who's probably just as technologically illiterate as he is business illiterate every single afternoon so you can take the time you desperately need to figure out what in the hell you're gonna do with the mess that is your life right now.

As much as she wanted to say that, she wouldn't. While this wasn't exactly fair to her - only being one week into this new job and now her entire job duties had just gotten flipped on her - saying no would be even more unfair to Lyla. Who was she to tell Lyla how to handle her business, personal or otherwise? And even though the timing and the person filling in for her on the afternoons was just a little suspect, that girl was overworked to the bone. If anything, she deserved just to have some time off in general, let one take a breather to get all her affairs in order.

And it wasn't like Grace really cared all that much about her job duties changing so suddenly anyway. Kinda hard to care when you didn't plan on being employed long-term.

"I just... this is time that I need. As much as I hate to admit it, Jax is right. I need to take a step back - I mean, let's face it, if I'd just done this months ago, even a year ago, I don't know that..." Lyla trailed off there, dropping her eyes down to her folded hands at her desk.

They both knew what she'd been about to say: If I'd just started coming home earlier months ago, maybe my husband wouldn't have cheated.

And she'd heard every version of those excuses before too.

This was the last time, Grace. He promised me.

And you believe him?

Of course I do. I have to. Wives have to believe their husbands and husbands have to do their very best to keep their promises.

There were plenty of reasons to just stay as far away from this shitshow between Lyla and Opie as possible. But there were just some circumstances that required action, not silence, and this was one of them.

 But there were just some circumstances that required action, not silence, and this was one of them

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"I know I've only been here a week," Grace pressed a tight smile to her face. "But in that week I've seen you do nothing but haul ass for those guys to keep this place running the way it is. If you ask me, they should all be getting down on their hands and knees to kiss your Jimmy Choos for the work you've been doing to keep their business running. And if they don't appreciate it, and understand that work takes time and effort, then that's their problem, not yours."

A slow smile crept across her boss's face. So she hadn't overstepped here. Hadn't played a hand she really hadn't been dealt in the first place. Because in the end, she had way worse problems to focus on than having to contend with the club president sitting in for Lyla in the office.

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