Chapter Fifteen: Water Under the Bridge

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Three Weeks Later
Wednesday, 1:37 pm

"Oh my gosh," Camille practically squealed, drumming her hands on the reception counter in excitement. Unfortunately, all that bouncing made it almost impossible not to draw the eye right to the barely there corset pulled over her chest. "It would be so cool if you can get into those apartments! Ooo, Ivy's got an amazing view - maybe you can get one in that building too!"

Grace's lips parted to respond, but Camille's new boyfriend, Josh, beat her to the punch.

"Hey, we could be neighbors," he grinned at her. "Wouldn't that be something?"

Or something.

But this was all just a nice little distraction from the blonde biker prez hanging off to the side, patiently waiting for his turn but... definitely growing more agitated with this wait the longer it went on.

"Did they say how long the waiting list was when you called to make your appointment?" Camille was asking now. "I've been thinking about getting my name on the list too."

There were too many eyes on her right now, so she clamped down on her bottom lip to hide her reaction as much as possible. But, fuck no. Camille was getting her name on the waiting list for those apartments over her dead body.

"It's pretty long," Grace offered instead

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"It's pretty long," Grace offered instead. "At least seven or eight months. It's probably gotten longer as we speak. I'm just lucky I never called them to take me off the list when I was first looking to move here. Just look at how long I had to wait to get an appointment to see one of those apartments."

Of course, the only thing that was actually true about that was the length of that waiting list and the three weeks she'd had to wait for an appointment. She'd never had her name on that list, and she had no intention of actually renting one of those fancy new apartments in North Charming, especially not one with the view Ivy had. But in the three weeks she'd had in between stumbling across those emails between Dani and Elliott Oswald, she had ample time to dig and dig and dig, and what her and Luna had discovered that night was just the tip of the disgusting and horrifying iceberg.

"Well, hey," Josh threw out easily. "If I'd known you were looking to see one, I could've just given you a quick tour of my place. All the apartments are pretty much the same anyway from building to building - well, I guess, except for the ones right by the lake."

Grace flashed him a quick smile. While the background check she'd run on Camille's boyfriend a few weeks ago hadn't popped up anything all that interesting - he'd had a public intoxication misdemeanor a few years ago when he'd lived in LA and had worked on and off on some film sets down there - she had learned that he currently lived in the building right next to where Dani had lived. That wasn't the building she was looking to get into anyway, so it just didn't matter.

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