Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I'd basically gotten free reign of the castle although Vex was always hunting me down and asking "Where have you been?" As if I'd been anywhere other than where he'd found me or where I'd claimed I'd been.

I'd been thinking a lot about everything for the last couple of days since I'd seen the babies. I dreamed about them every night. It was like I had a direct line to their emotions and they were so lonely and sad.

I was walking down the steps before breakfast when I heard Vex talking to two guys. I'd seen them around. They were head security guys in the castle and took everything way too seriously. Even Serien, Holden, and Reverence smiled but these two were straight up serious with no other settings. Like Lokin.

The sandy blonde with a preppy combed back hair style was Asferian and the black haired, emo looking guy with smoldering deep set eyes was Bane. Bane's hair wasn't shaved on the sides like Asferians's but he wore his hair in a similar fashion. Both men seemed to like wearing slacks, dress shoes and wool sweaters when they didn't have to wear their security uniforms. It was weird seeing them heading outside of a night in completely different get-ups. They all were like that to some degree though. Vex had his people wear black ACU's with black combat boots. So it was no wonder they liked the preppier styles when they could wear whatever they wanted.

"...and follow the instructions to the letter." Vex ordered the men sternly. "You have a week so try to make it fast. Get yourselves one while you are out. Same rules apply."

The men exchanged a look. Asferian looked up at me as I walked down.

"I don't think I want one Sire." He murmured cringing.

"I don't care. You have your men and time frame." Vex growled.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me around so I was next to him and smoothed my hair down as he looked at his men.

"Yes sire." Both men said in unison then bowed and headed for the elevator where six more men were waiting with baggage.

"Where are they going?" I asked Vex curiously.

He looked down at me. "To pick up a few Christmas gifts for you and my brothers." He explained smiling.

I narrowed my eyes. "I don't need anything. Especially since you won't let me get you anything."

He turned me with him as he headed to the dining room. "I need nothing but you. Besides you gave me this." He held out his sword necklace.

"It's a fifty cent piece of metal. It's crap." I groaned. "Let me get you something better."

"I do not need anything. If I want something I will simply buy it."

"Well then you can simply buy me whatever I need." I turned to him. "I don't need anything Vex. I just want the kids to have things."

He sighed. "With the children again? Do you want a human infant to coddle?"

I crossed my arms and gave him a look.

"I want those children to have things. Come on I've been behaving myself." I whined.

"You are exceptionally whinny lately. You cry often, you hardly sleep anymore, nothing I feed you satisfies you. The Wed MD claims you are either depressed or pregnant. It is obviously the former and making me depressed." He growled throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"Do Lugat's even get depressed? I mean what would you get depressed about?" I asked curiously. "Not warring enough?"

He gave me a look and I grinned. "Let us eat breakfast." He grumbled walking into the dining room with me following beside him.

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