Chapter 5

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A few days passed and strangely I hadn't seen Vex. Lokin would bring me food for all the meals and then would leave. That was the only person I saw.

By the fourth day though when that door opened I wasn't expecting half a dozen Lugat's bringing in large boxes. When the last one entered Vex entered. I was dressed with the ribbon of my dress hanging as usual, my hair in a messy bun and I wasn't wearing any make-up. But that was because no one forced me to put any on and I was okay with that.

Vex stood aside letting the Lugat's put the boxes down as he looked at me. He waited for the last Lugat to exit and the door to shut before he spoke to me.

"Books, movies and an iPod." He murmured the last word as if it was foreign to him. "There is a TV coming up with a DVD player built into it. Do you need anything else to make your stay more comfortable?" He asked between his teeth.

I raised my brow. "Underwear would be nice."

He gave me a look. "What?"

"I had one pair of panties and apparently Lugat's don't wear underwear. I'm commando."

He looked confused. "Commando?"

"I'm naked under this dress!" I snapped.

"I am naked under my clothes as well." He looked even more confused by my frustration over this.

I sighed and put my good hand over my face. It was a face palm. I looked up at him. "Master." I hissed low and his brow furrowed. "I want panties to wear under my dress." I moved to the bathroom where my waitress dress and panties lay. I picked the pink satin bikini briefs up and showed him. "They look like this."

He stared at them then me. "Fine. Anything else?"

"Paper, pencils, coloring pencils and some envelopes." I shrugged.

He snorted. "To send a letter? Do you take me for a fool?"

"Vex you are a fool but that's neither here nor there. You asked what I wanted and I told you. Honestly how am I going to send a letter when I have no stamps or a way to get to the mailbox. Do you even have a mailbox?"

"Yes I do and don't ever call me a fool again." He sneered.

"Well I'm a bigger fool than you if it makes you feel better." I whispered. I turned to a box and opened it looking at the books piled inside. They all looked brand new and were of different genres.

"How so?" He asked curiously.

"For trusting you." I muttered.

I jumped when I felt him at my back touching the ribbon. "Please dress yourself accordingly." He hissed as he tightened the ribbon tight so the skin at my back no longer had a draft from the cool air. He finished tying it then stepped to the side. I didn't look at him. Eye contact with him was a bad idea.

"I am entertaining my friends-"

"You have friends?" I asked looking at a book.

Vex snatched it from my hand and tossed it back in the box. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He snapped. I turned to him and crossed my arms. I glared at him. He glared back. "You will attend it. You will not speak unless spoken to. Reshna will be up to do your hair and make-up. She knows what will happen to her if she touches you aggressively. Wear the green dress." He ordered sharply then turned and walked toward the door.

"So that's it?" I hissed. He turned to me with a question. "I'm here for your viewing pleasure? This is my sole purpose for the rest of my short life?"

"Short?" He asked with a furrowed brow.

Was he serious? "You honestly don't think I'll live forever like you do you?" I asked softly, brow furrowed and lips pinched together. The look he gave me was like that of a child who didn't understand the concept of mortality.

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