Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. It hurt to breathe too. But worse was I felt like I was being suffocated.

I moved my hand to scratch an itch on my chest with my casted hand when it was grabbed gently.

"Don't scratch." Vex scolded softly as he brushed my hair from my face with his free hand.

I opened my eyes blinking away the fog. He was laying next to me in at-shirt. His hair was messed up and he looked less then composed which was unlike him. He looked tired.

I noticed the necklace hanging around his neck. It was the sword, but it was on a more expensive chain.

"It looks good on you." I whispered. My throat hurt and was hoarse. I swallowed and that hurt even worse. "I'm thirsty."

Vex got up in a blur and was across the room. He got something then was back at the same rate of speed. He held up a plastic cup with what I was sure was water.

He slowly helped me to a sitting position and put pillows behind me. This was so weird. Seeing Vex wait on me like this was like being in an alternate word. Because the Vex I knew would never do this.

I had oxygen tubes in my nose which also hurt. I think the oxygen had dried everything out.

I soaked the water down choking on it once in my attempt to get it down my throat quicker.

"Slow down." Vex muttered. It was like he was trying to hold back his anger. God he was trying so hard to keep his tone gentle and kind.

I finished off the water and laid back already out of breath. "What happened?" I asked him breathlessly.

"You almost died. Damphirs got you with their arrows. You've been out for four days. I didn't think you would ever wake up. I've been taking care of you. The IV's make you urinate a lot." He explained everything, finishing off with a deadpan tone.

I burst into laughter and had to stop from the pain. "Ow." I winced and coughed. I held my chest where I felt bandages. "You're funny."

"I wasn't trying to be. I was just telling you." His brow furrowed. "I've been taking care of you. I thought you were going to die." He whispered.

I stared at him. He looked like he was going to fall apart on me again. "Aw honey I'm a lot tougher than that." I smiled at him and touched his face gently. "I have no plans on leaving you. Ever."

He bent down slowly and kissed my lips. He pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you Bree." He whispered softly.

My heart skipped a beat. "I love you more Vex."

He pulled away. "No." He snapped firmly, angrily. "It is I who love you more than you love me. It's simple as I am much older and-"

"It's a figure of speech." I interjected smiling. "But I do love you more seeing as I took two arrows for you and I'm just so freaking adorable."

His lip twitched at a smile. "Yes."

"So why didn't you just give me your blood to heal me?" I asked Vex clearing my throat again. I just couldn't get rid of the hoarse sound.

"What?" He asked confused.

"In movies and books the "vampire" always heals the girl with his blood. Why didn't you give me some of your blood?"

He seemed confused. "I don't think it works like that."

I shrugged. "Never tried?" I asked.

"Never had a reason to try." He seemed to think. He sat up and took my empty cup. He put his wrist to his mouth and bit. I cringed at the sound of his skin popping. His blood flowed quickly into the cup like someone turning on a faucet. He licked his wrist and the blood flow instantly stopped. He held the cup out.

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