Part 15: It's Crazy

Start from the beginning

"Right so she had all of these files on the people who were killed and one on Alaric—"

"Ooh, suspicious."

"Can you let me talk?"

"Right, sorry."

"So we found this paper from the coroners office that said that the time of death for one of the people didn't match up, so we brought it to Sheriff Forbes."

"You brought it to her? Are you out of your minds? She's the police meaning she could arrest you. Aren't you supposed to be the smart sister?"

"Ok you're getting really annoying." Elena commented which out a soft smirk on Rosa's face. One of her hobby's was annoying Elena. "Apparently Meredith showed Sheriff Forbes already so Alaric is cleared."

"Ok, isn't that a good thing. You seem kinda sad. I don't like Alaric as much as the next guy, but he's cleared so what's wrong?" She asked her sister.

"Well besides some other reasons to be sad, I still don't trust her. Look, Rosa, I'll see you later, ok?"

"K, bye."

"You brought him home! He's not some lost puppy, Lena." Rosa said as she Matt handed Elena a cup of tea. "I want tea." She mumbled, but Elena just smirked at her.

"Just say it." She spoke to Matt.

"I just don't get it. Your thing with them." Matt told her.

"Me either. Wait, we're talking about Stefan and Damon right because her thing with them is plain weird." Rosa felt a slap on her arm but ignored her sister.

"I know it doesn't make sense, but at the beginning, after my parents died, there was something about being with Stefan that just felt safe."

"Safe? Elena, he's a vampire." Matt told her.

"Shh, this is getting emotional." Rosa commented which earned an eye roll from the others.

"I know, believe me, just saying it out loud it sounds crazy, but it's like I knew that he would never stop loving me. Like he would never..."

"What?" Matt asked.

"Die. Like he would never die."

"Like your parents did. And Damon?" Rosa was actually happy Matt was here for once. He was asking all the questions that Elena wouldn't let Rosa ask.

"Damon just sort of snuck up on me. He got under my skin and no matter what I do I just...I can't shake him." Rosa sighed. She didn't like what her sister was doing.

"Once you fall in love with someone, I don't know if...I don't know if you can ever shake them." Matt told her. Rosa knew he was talking about Elena. It made her feel sad for Caroline because maybe Matt never really loved her. Just another reason not to like him.

"I'm sorry. This...this is weird. Talking about them with you."

"You're right, it's totally weird." Rosa commented, but was ignored.

"No. Not really. I got you something." Matt reached into his pocket and pulled out a small book.

"The journal?" She asked as she looked down at the book in her hands. Rosa didn't even want to ask. She was so out of the loop at this point.

"It's your family's, you should have it. Meredith and that idiot deputy were too busy questioning you to give a damn about me. Sometimes it pays to be the only normal one in a town of vampires. I'm practically invisible." Matt told her. Rosa saw how he looked at her and it made her gag. It also made her a little sad for Matt knowing that he might be in love with someone who doesn't love him back for the rest of his life.

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