

"What a pretty picture," he said and nodded, "How about you draw it next time we go on a date?" He finally snuck a kiss on my other cheek before I could stop him.

"Hyunjin, what are you so blinded by?! I'm not good for you!" I finally burst out yelling, and he pushed himself back just a little in surprise, having our noses brush.

I can't breathe again.

He better get off me right now, or I'm losing all conviction.

This room is so freaking hot.

"I only know the Isabelle who's in front of me right now, and she's not a bad person. If anything, she's constantly fighting with the ghost of her past. Her guilt tells me that she's not a bad person," he finished, staring at me confidently.

So that's how he sees me?

Why is it so pretty?

How does he know exactly what to say to make me sway? How can he touch me in places deep inside my chest where nobody ventures?


You don't deserve these words, Isabelle.

He doesn't know you.
That's why he likes you!

"You don't get it! Being with me will be the bumpiest rode in the history of bumpy relationships!" I shouted, wondering if he was getting closer or if I was mistaking my heartbeat's increasing pace for other things.

"I'm ready to face anything if you'd just be with me! Because I like you! I like you so much!" he shouted back.

Someone like Hyunjin likes me.

He likes me.

He said it himself. I'm sure I heard him right.

He faced his feelings without being a coward about it.

Shit. I'm too happy.

That's never good.

I almost cracked a smile, but was adamant on keeping my composure. However, by the time I exited my head, I was certain he was leaning in more and more. I almost shut my eyes.


You can't!

Isabelle, listen to me!

Get yourself togeth-

"I like you too!" I yelled, "But-"

His lips landed on mine.

I felt his softness against my lips and I stiffened, my heartbeat and breathing stopping instantly. He twisted his body so he'd be completely on top of mine and held my face, waiting for me to kiss him back. It was safe to say that I suddenly didn't care about the future anymore. How long was I waiting for this?

I kissed him back and decided to blame it on my fever, surprised by how gentle he was compared to how aggressively we were shouting a second ago.

It wasn't enough.

I wanted- scratch that- needed more.

By throwing my arms around his neck, I pulled him in, feeling the fire spread all over my body. I kissed him with my hands in his hair, putting aside all the doubts in my head.

Stray Scars (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now