Chapter 8:Prince.

Start from the beginning

The maid blushed and proceeds to help Zhia Xiang.

❝Aria, you're here. Sit and eat, we've waited for you. ❞ The Queen said smiling.

Aria had a happy family life, luckily her parents loved each other and loved her as well.

❝I was a bit lazy today, I apologize. ❞Zhia Xiang said and sat down.

The Queen and King looked at each other confused.
Aria isn't usually so mannered so they were confused.

❝Is something wrong, mother, father?❞ Zhia Xiang asked looking at the two.

The Queen and King were more shocked by Zhia Xiang.

❝Just what kind of annoying child was Aria?? ❞ Zhia Xiang asked herself after seeing the stunned faces of the two by just being polite and calling them mother and father.

❝Oh, nothing. Are you in a good mood? ❞The King asked.

❝Yes, how about you, father? ❞Zhia Xiang asked in a soft tone.

The king's heart was hit by an arrow seeing his cute daughter acting lovely.

❝I'm good! The best morning. ❞The king said smiling.

These two are really good parents... I wished my parents were like this. ❞ Zhia Xiang thought and turned her attention to the Queen.

❝How about you, dear mother? ❞

❝Oh, my! I'm doing amazing, my dear. ❞The Queen replied smiling excited like a kid.

❝I'm glad. Let's eat now, the food will get cold. ❞Zhia Xiang said and began to eat.

❝Yes, Aria is right. ❞the king said smiling.

The three ate peacefully.

❝Oh, right, what time is it now? ❞Zhia Xiang asked agent 0.

❝The beginning of Aria's and Ian's relationship. ❞ Agent 0 replied.

❝I see. ❞ Zhia Xiang said and touched the roses.

She bend down and smelled one.

❝Aria! ❞ a masculine voice called.

Zhia Xiang turned her head and saw a red haired man smiling.

❝Viscente? ❞Zhia Xiang asked looking at the stunning man that stood 1 meter away from her.

❝I came here to spend time with you... if you're free of course. We didn't spend so much time together... ❞ Viscente said with sadness in his eyes.

❝Subject #654! A new task has been unlocked! ❞

❝What task? ❞

❝Find love. ❞Agent 0 said.

Zhia Xiang smiled.

❝I'll eat this Viscente guy. ❞ she said in her mind.

Zhia Xiang walked to Viscente and grabbed his hand.

❝I planned on going shopping... I want some new dressed, will you accompany me? ❞Zhia Xiang asked hugging Viscente's arm.

Viscente blushed deeply and looked at Zhia Xiang's face.

❝Of course! I'm more than happy to accompany you. ❞Viscente answered.

❝Let's go then. ❞Zhia Xiang said and dragged Viscente after her to the royal carriage.

Soon, they arrived at the shop Aria used to buy clothes from.

Zhia Xiang looked around at the dresses.

❝Oh, Viscente~~❞ Zhia Xiang asked in a sweet tone.

❝Y-yes? ❞the shy man replied.

❝Which dress do you think suits me better? ❞Zhia Xiang asked showing him two dresses, one mauve and one barn red.

Her words made Viscente imagine the two dressed on her body. Then his mind started to wonder about how her body looks naked and his face was scarlet red.

❝What's wrong?Do you have a fever?❞Zhia Xiang asked and put her forehead on his making his blood pump even faster.

❝The re-red one. ❞ Viscente stuttered and pointed to the barn red dress.

❝I like that one better too, you have good taste. ❞Zhia Xiang said smiling.

Viscente's body was so hot, he felt like burning. Aria hasn't been to touchy with him since they were kids and the fact that he was in love with her didn't helped.

Zhia Xiang continued to choose dressed while humming happy.

❝Oh, look at this, I bet it would look good on you. ❞Zhia Xiang pointed to a ring with a big ruby and looked at Viscente.

The poor man who barely calmed himself was burning again.

❝Matches your gorgeous hair, let me gift it to you. ❞Zhia Xiang said and rubbed herself on Viscente like a cat.

❝AR-Aria, we are in public... ❞Viscente managed to whisper.

They were indeed in public and people were watching the intimacy between them.

❝Ah? I haven't noticed... you're just so cute I can't control it. ❞Zhia Xiang said and pouted sadly.

Viscente's heart was crushed by her sad act and immediately pulled her in his arms.

❝It doesn't matter, do whatever you like with me. ❞ Vicente said and Zhia Xiang giggled.

❝Really? I can do whatever I want? ❞

❝Yes! ❞Viscente answered determined.

❝Don't regret it later. ❞Zhia Xiang said and slowly opened Viscente's shirt so she could touch his neck.

Viscente was a red, panting mess by just being close to her. Zhia Xiang smiled innocently and bit his neck sucking on the skin to leave a hickey.

The audience gasped and began to gossip.

Viscente stood like a statue covering his mouth with one hand so he wouldn't moan.

❝And done. Let me buy you that pretty ring now. ❞Zhia Xiang said and dragged Viscente inside the shop to buy the ring for him.

After more exploring the capital, Zhia Xiang came back to the Palace, together with Viscente.

❝Your majesty, sir Ian Alderlo is here to see you. He's waiting for quite a while.❞ a maid announced.

❝Really? Viscee~ Can you wait for me in my room? I'll come quick. ❞Zhia Xiang said sweetly fluttering her long lashes.

❝Your-Your room? I can't enter your room, it's not appropriate. ❞Viscente said.

❝Ay, just go there. You're my special guest. Mielle, show him the way. ❞Zhia Xiang said and kissed Viscente's cheek with a loud "muah" before leaving to see Ian.

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