"He does not need my wishes nor my presence. He has his beloved daughter after all." 

"You are his daughter too." BreeAhn stood up to be on the same level with you, as she was too now angry at the fact that you were denying your father just like that.

"He is my father as much as our mother is your mother but you referred to her as only my mother earlier. What makes you think you have the right to be looking mad?" You stared right at her, feeling the tension in the atmosphere rising.

"You are still on with this?! For how long will you keep defending the person that ruined our family?! "

"Look, I don't want to fight with you. So just leave it. I won't be coming on my father's birthday, not this year nor any other year. And please never think of trying to persuade me again because I am letting you know right now. It will never happen!" Your body language showcased your determination at that moment as your arm made a slash on the air like a sword that cuts down a block of wood in half.

"Okay, someone sounds too absolute and a bit loud right now," Jimin murmured to himself after hearing you and he couldn't help but open slightly the closet in search of some visual information of what was going on but of course from where he was he was not able to see you.

"Why do you have to be so...so! Agh!"BreeAhn literally screamed at you out of frustration before she turned around and grabbed her bag.

"I hate you! You and your stubbornness and egoism! Why just why can't one of you make me happy for once! Why don't you think about me?!" She accused you of things you were not expecting because you may have considered yourself stubborn but egoistic surely was not something that you thought you were especially when it came to her. The things you had done for her were far too many and the fact that she seemed to not recognise them at that very moment, made you feel as wronged as angry.

"I am always thinking about you! You are the one who is not seeing it!"

"Oh yeah, how? You don't even know what I like, what I drink, what I eat yet you are my sister. Can't you see that we are growing apart each year more? Can't you see that I too would have liked to be part of your life? Why? Just why don't you let your pride aside and come beg dad for forgiveness so we can be together as a family again?!!" She unleashed her thoughts in a rather loud and desperate manner, tears welling in her eyes that soon escaped her orbs and scrolled down her cheeks, making her brush them off in a quick way.

The frustration was showing in her eyes that were piercing yours with anger and desperation and you just fell silent understanding that this was just an outburst of pain. Emotions that she most likely has hidden within her for so long that now could not help but overflow like this. It hurt you, seeing her like that yet you could not bring yourself to open your mouth and tell her the truth. Because you cared for her and you didn't want to crash the image she had of your father. 

Unlike the one you had, BreeAhn knew nothing of your father's affair nor the rest of his wrongdoings. She knew none of the lies he had told her about their mother just to make her seem like the bad person and you just never found the strength to shatter that image of hers because it felt cruel to take from her someone she loved. You knew the pain so you couldn't help but want to protect her from that yet you could see at that very moment how your care for her was hurting her in a different way. But what could you do? It was not like you wanted to have known either. You just did. That awful night with that curse of yours, you had discovered one more secret. One that destroyed the love you had for your father along with your trust in humanity.

"I am sorry Bree...I...I can try to be there for you more, I can try to find more time for you but that is only for you. Don't ask me something like that, because I-"

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