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I flew up to the bridge where we used to meet up at, many cars would pass by at fast speed but we wouldn't notice.

"Hey dead face" I stood on the side of the bridge where Wade was sitting in his deadpool suit, he was colouring.

"Witchy bitch!" Wade excitedly said, I sat down next to him.

Our feet swayed back and fourth in my air to the best of the music that was playing off of his radio.

"Do you like my drawing?" Wade asked, I looked at his art work.

"Your a child" I laughed, "but yes, it's very good" I smiled.

I met Wade when he was on his killing spree, i was meant to stop him but instead I let him continue and we became buddies.

I created little orbs of grey in my hands while he finished up his art. Suddenly, his head lifted up, as if he was attracting something.

"Hey, isn't that the avengers?" Wade asked.

I lifted my head to see the avengers (my friends) fighting each other, what the hell are they doing?

"I'll be right back" I told Wade and flew down to where they all were.

I knew I couldn't get anyone's attention with just a 'hello' so I created an orb and flew it in the middle of everyone, luckily no one got hit by it. Now I have everyone's attention.

"What is the bloody meaning to all of this?!" I asked confused.

"Well someone didn't want to sign the accords and now we have to bring him and his little tea, in" Tony anxiously answered.

It was Team Cap against Team Iron Man. On team cap was: Steve, Bucky, Clint, Scott, Sam and Wanda..
On team iron man was: Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, T'challa, Peter and...Vision...

I decided to ignore Vision, but I couldn't help but feel his presence even more. I eventually just walked away and headed back to Wade.

"Where are you going?!" Tony asked, he wanted me on his team.

"Back to my friend, I'm not getting in the middle of this. Especially is he is here" I said before pointing towards the robot.

My speed of walking towards my friend I left on the bridge became faster until someone came in front of me: Wanda.

"Y/n hold on a second" she said, stopping me from walking anymore.

"Yeah?" I asked, I could see Wade giving me a little wave in the background.

"Why don't you stay?" She said awkwardly.

"You want me to help your side" I cleared my throat.

Wanda sighed and nodded.

"I'm on no ones team but good luck to you" I smiled before leaving.

Time went on and everyone was still fighting, I continuously bit my nails in anxiety.

"Look if your that anxious then why don't we go down there and do something about it" Wade suggested, he was actually being civil for once but that was when I realised that he actually probably just wanted to get into a fight.

I gave him a smirked before we both jumped off the bridge and landed on top of a crate.

As we headed over there, I could hear Wade's stomach rumble. I held my hand out and appeared two burritos, one for him and one for me. We began to eat while watching my friends and one of my girlfriends fight. It was then when my attention was caught. Vision's laser was about to hit Wanda until I ran behind her, taking the damage. Unlucky, I had to sacrifice my food in the doing.

"Burrito killer!" Wade yelled before getting kicked in the face, I tried to laugh but it hurt.

I fell onto the ground and groaned in pain but nothing more.

"Oh my god, Y/n!" Wanda gasped, i could sense her guilt. She placed my head onto her lap.

"I'm fine don't worry" I smiled, but Wanda was carried away. Her eyes glowed red as he head tilted towards Vision, she was feeling hatred.

"Wanda stop before you do anything bad" I said loudly, when I got her to look at me she placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before flying up to meet face to face with Vision.

I walked back over to my friend who was fighting Natasha, he had a thing for fighting girls.

"Oh hey Y/n, looks like you've joined the party" sarcasm came out of his Keith,

I chuckled before saying "yeah yeah, come on break it up" Natasha grunted kn the floor before I helped her up. She smiled at me before heading off somewhere.

"Come on! That was just getting interesting" Wade complained.

"I can't tell from the tent in your suit" I joked, making him look down with a childish gasp.

He sighed in relief when he realised I was joking.

"Umm, Y/n? Are you gonna stop that?" Wade said, pointing towards Wanda kicking Vision's ass.

"Nope, Wanda's got everything under control" I smiled before skipping along to my burrito and grabbing it off of the ground.

"Do you think I could eat this?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

"Well if you want to vomit then go for it" Wade joked, i shook my head while placing the burrito in the bin that was next to me, how convenient.

"Come on, let's head to the compound." I gestured, already beginning to walk off.

"What about everyone here, there still fighting?" Wade asked confused, his head nearly at his elbow.

"They'll figure it out, I know they will" I said with confidence.

"Okey dokie then" Wade squeaked before skipping to catch up with me.

Hi, don't forget to vote but its ok if you don't want to :)

Also Yelena will return in the next part, sorry that this one is short and it has been a while since I've updated.

981 words <3

Yᴇʟᴇɴᴀ x Y/ɴ x WᴀɴᴅᴀWhere stories live. Discover now