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The room was filled with runes on the walls, everything looked old and abandoned. Vines fell against the stone walls or lay on the stone floor. This person is a witch.

I looked at Wanda, her lips were trembling as she tightened her grip around my hand, it didn't both me though. She put her other hand in front of us and tried using her powers to read Agatha's mind.

"My thoughts aren't available to you toots," Agatha chuckled as she put her rabbit down in a windowsill.

"Why..why? How?" Wanda began to ask but she didn't have the words.

I looked down, knowing what I had done. I looked back up and Agatha was smirking, "Y/n how about you explain?"

Wanda looked confused, "what..what is she talking about Y/n?"

"There are ancient runes on each wall. Who ever casts the runes can only use their power in the place," I explained, taking a deep breath at the end.

Wanda shook her head and replied, "How do you know all of this?"

I started to stutter. As soon as I was about to answer, Agatha did for me: "because she created them." Her voice went deep, she wisped her fingers and went into Wanda's mind. Wanda's eyes turned purple as she stood still frozen.

I waved me hand in front of her but no luck, "what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled but got no answer.

*Wanda's Pov*
My mind went blank, i was in the past from when I didn't know who Y/n was. I walked forward and found Y/n surround by witches who had the same power as Agatha. I tried to go over to Y/n but I was bounded by a spell from mind control. I looked at my love and she was floating in the air, her powers surrounding her.


"You don't scare me Evanora Harkness, your powers have done enough for the world." Y/n spoke, her eyes turned brown to grey and blasted orbs of her powers at every witch who tried to stop her from saving the planet.

*Y/n's Pov*
Suddenly, Wanda came back to her normal self, I didn't get an answer. Wanda tilted her head, "So what if Y/n did all that stuff in the past? She did it to save the world from your family!"

Agatha showed anger on her face, she lifted me up with purple and flew me against the walls, rocks collided into me. I groaned in pain but Wanda helped me up, she checked for any damage but I nodded to say I was fine.

"Alright I've had enough of this." Agatha complained, she opened a wooden wide door and stood by it.

"To get out of here you have to complete the hardest stages of your life's, well Wanda does. Y/n...say bye bye." Agatha chuckled, she clicked her fingers and I was teleported to a house that had protection spells everywhere, and more runes then before.

*Wanda's Pov*
Y/n had disappeared, she was taken away from me again. "Y/n?! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?!" I accused the witch in front of me.

"After you, superstar." She whispered as I was drowned into where the door was.

The surroundings were familiar, this was where I used to live before it got bombed...by Stark. I walked even more and noticed a woman cleaning dishes just before Agatha spoke amusingly: "Oh. Charming. Love the Cold War aesthetic. Why are we here?"

"Mama.." I whispered.

Suddenly, a man walked through speaking Sokovian, "Papa" I said, my parents were here, together.

"Olek," My mother said in a sad tone looking at all the tapes and disks that haven't been sold.
"Hey," My father sighed, in sokovian he spoke "dont worry I'll sell them all tomorrow."

There was a loud voice that entered the room, "English Papa!" A boy said with a strong accent.
"Pietro..." I whispered again.

"Oh he's loud isn't he" Agatha rhetorically asked, I didn't matter what she said, i was happy to see my family again, even if they couldn't see me.

"You said the only rule of tv night is we try and practice our English." My brother explained
"Yes, yes he is right. We were just making ride of last little bit of Sokovian." Our mum explained.

Pietro grunted as he hung Papa's coat away. "Where is your sister?" Dad asked him.

"Wanda?" Pietro shouted, "Wanda?" He shouted again.

My heart sank, I was with my family again. "I mean were right here" Agatha began, "that your cue lady. Your on."

Suddenly i was my younger self again as i was nudged forward.

"Hey," Papa said to me as she hugged me, "now we can begin. Wanda, you pick."
I looked into the case of films and series and said, "my pick isn't here."
"I have forgot. I put it in the special place for extra safekeeping."

I laughed as my mother held her hands over my eyes while my dad and brother got Dick Van Dyke season 2, episode 21.

Pietro complained how we always watch it but i laughed it off, we began to watch the show and I was happy, the happiest I've ever been in a long time.

A loud crash went through the room, everything went dark and black, objects were shattering everywhere. My home was destroyed and my parents dead bodies were across the room.

Pietro lead me under the bed, we were the only survivors. The tv was glitching but still playing, "by the end of the episode, it wall all a bad dream." I spoke, i reached my hand out trying to do something but sadly i got dragged from under the bed by my feet.

*Y/n's Pov*
I punched through the window numerous times but it didn't smash, purple gloss would throw me back.
"Fuck i wish i had my powers right now." I said to myself but then i had a thought, i created runes so I must've made a way to break them. I looked around and found a sharp knife, i placed it against my wrist and carefully sliced it, i squeezed my blood into a cup until it was half full. I found some duck tape in a cupboard and wrapped it around my wound (I've always used my powers to heal myself and others so i dont know how to actually bandage it up). I ran over to the door and looked through the crack, grey moss was dug into the ground, i tried reaching for it but my arms weren't long enough. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed the knife, i wiped the blood off of it and onto my clothing. I was back by the door digging up the moss, after some long attempts i finally got it inside the gap. I sighed in relief and placed it inside the cup of blood. I chanted some old Greek words and the cup had set fire, it wisped through the walls, it had worked. I ran outside and went to look for Wanda.

Hi! Sorry its been a while, i had to deal with some stuff but I hope you enjoy so far. Don't forget to vote but its ok if you don't want to :)

1257 words <3

Credits go to Wandavision

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