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My vision was fuzzy but I stumbled over to the med room, Yelena helping me. Wanda was with Fury, giving him the last vile that can make super soldiers.

I sat myself on a chair, trying to grab something off the table but ended up knocking it on the floor.

Yelena cut my trousers open where the bullet wound was. She put some alcohol on a wipe she grabbed and gently placed it over me. I hissed as it hurt. My grip tightened on the arm rest.


"All done" Yelena sighed, she had finished stitching me up.

"Thanks Yelena" I smiled, It hurt when I walked but I didn't tell anyone and I dealt with it on my own.


I was in the Kitchen making food when Natasha approached me. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and threw it at her, she caught it then but into it. She looked dull.

"What's wrong?" I encouraged her to tell me what's up.

"Yelena is bloody pissed at me for some reason" Natasha sighed.

"I'm sure she'll come around, what ever it is she forgives easily" I assured the Russian spy opposite me. "She leaves tonight so maybe talk to her before she goes" I smiled. Yelena was heading to Cuba, she had some unfinished business with someone. I offered to go with her but she said she was fine on her own.

Nat gave me a smile before heading off, me and Nat didn't spend that much time with each other anymore but we would always be friendly towards each other.

Suddenly, Tony's voice came out of the speakers: "everyone get ready, we're having a party here at six to celebrate my business success"

I shook my head while smiling, there's always a party when ever he achieves something. I looked at the time and realised it was five o'clock. Jeez, Tony did not give us much time at all.


I rummaged through my wardrobe to find anything that would look good on me. I pulled out a grey trousers and a grey suit jacket to match, a white blouse for underneath the suit jacket. Along with some white trainers.

Once I had gotten changed, I left my hair how it was and out no makeup one

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Once I had gotten changed, I left my hair how it was and out no makeup one. I don't feel right wearing makeup for some reason.

Suddenly, I got a knock on the door. Wanda was there looking absolutely stunning.

Wanda wore a sparkly red dress that trailed down her leg. She looked beautiful.

Yelena had already left but if she was here she would look amazing too.

I walked out of my room and wrapped my arms around her own. We escorted each other to the ball room where the party was at.

The party was fancy, matching Stark. Most people here I didn't know and I don't think Tony did either unless he forgot about them.

Time went on and everyone had left. Only left was the people that live here. We were all on the couch laughing and talking while others held drinks in their hands.

Suddenly, Ross walked in, interrupting our fun.

"We need to talk about the Sokovia accord" he announced, grunts came out of some people.

"Alright give us ten minutes" Tony replied, placing his drink down.

As Ross left the room I said "I'm too sober for this" I got a few laughs out of everyone before I went to my room to get into something more comfortable.

In front of us was a screen of all destruction we've ever caused. I looked over at Wanda, I could feel her emotions strongly. It was guilt and sadness. I flicked my fingers under the table as Wanda caught my grey magic with her red magic, it makes her feel a bit better. She has something to cling on to.

"Ok that's enough" Steve stated, lowing his arm onto the table.

"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution." Ross was handed a chunky book.

He placed the book on the table and slides to Wanda, I could see she was hesitant about it before holding it in her hands.

"The Sokovia Accords" Ross stated, "Approved by 117 countries...it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organisation."

Wanda passed me the book, I flicked through the pages until Ross looked back.

"Instead they'll operate under the supervision of a Inited Nations panel only when and if that panels seems it necessary." Ross finished explaining, his voice getting higher at the end.

"The Avengers we're formed to make the world a safe place. I feel we've done." Steve spoke, he seemed serious.

"Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" Ross asked, knowing he wouldn't get an answer.

"Thor's on Asgard by the way" I said, answering the question.

"Thank you Y/n" he seemed sarcastic. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head, I was bored as hell.

"If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes you can bet there'd be consequences" Ross said, Tony looked up, as if that was directed at him. "Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is middle ground."

I passed the book to Rhodes, he placed his hand over it before saying: "So, there are contingencies."

"Three days from now, the UN merges in Vienna to ratify the accords"

I looked at Stark, he seemed stressed.

"Talk it over" Ross said before walking off but before he could Natasha caught his attention.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" She asked, it sounded like her voice was about to crack.

"Then you retire" Ross said then left us to our thoughts.

"Yeah I'm not talking about this, tell me when you guys have made your mind up" I smiled, not convincingly.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked, his main priority was keeping everyone safe.

"To meet an old friend"

Hi, don't forget to vote but it's ok if you don't want to :)

Credits to Captain America: civil war.

1034 words <3

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