Chapter 36

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Perry's Pov:

My mother has left and I can finally relax at my own sweet home, today. It's been long since I had a talk with Mr W.Wisher! Also, I need to finalize a date to meet him. I can't be more excited to meet him in person! I know it sounds crazy, still!

Me- Hiii! Long time, no see?

I text but him no one replies from the other end. Previously, he used to reply instantly but now, he doesn't. But why should I care? I'm a fool to get excited over meeting a completely unknown person. Maybe he's a fifteen year old bad-ass or an old man in his seventies. I sigh feeling extremely uncomfortable. What's wrong with me? Why do I always keep thinking about him whenever I'm alone, either him or that disgusting secret admirer's disgusting letters. Strangely both of them are still unknown to me, yet they have already managed to sieze so much of my life and my head. I look down at my phone again.


Me- Why won't you reply me? I know that the mission is over but you also promised to meet me, right?


Me- What if I say that I want to check if you have actually deleted the lawyer's car video, in person?


Me- Fuck it! Don't reply! I'm going ;__;

I get up from the bed, opening my wardrobe, picking up a pair of jeans and a yellow crop tee, getting dressed and moving out of the house. Suddenly I stumble upon something. I look down to find, a bunch of sunflowers with a note stick to it. Not again! I pluck the note attached to the stick of the sunflowers and flip it open. It reads:

"You wanna know a secret? Your lovely boyfriend used to be a drug addict. Who knows? Maybe he still is..."

"What's wrong with this secret admirer? Why the hell is he doing this?" I cry out.

"What happened Perry?" I hear Niall. I find Niall and Tracey climbing upstairs.

"Trace! This Secret Admirer!" I speak up.

"Perry I've told you numerous times to forget about the secret admirer. Just don't give a shit about him." Tracey remarks.

"Okay so he writes shit about my boyfriend and I don't give a shit about him?" I snap back.

"Hold on! Will you guys even tell me what's going on?" Niall asks.

"Okay so there's a person, more like a stalker, claims himself to be my secret admirer. He has been sending me gifts since months and now he's sending love letters and few days back I even received a note where he wrote shit about Harry and even today." I explain.

"And you are still here and not at the police station?" Niall says.

"Perry I'm sure this is some pervert who likes you. So it's quite natural that he'll want Harry out of your life, so he's writing all these!" Tracey says.

"No wait. She is still here and not at the police station"

"Niall, I think that someone from our college is doing this. So the person will soon get bored and stop. No need to involve the police. Right Perry?" Tracey implies.

"I don't know. I was already so much mad and now this. Ugh" I throw the bunch and the note in the trash bin.

"Why were you mad? Where are you going?" Tracey asks.

"To Harry's place. I guess I'll be fine if I go there." I say and move downstairs.

Tracey's Pov:

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