Chapter 32

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"Perry! You okay?" Harry nears me, with a worried look on his face. I don't even want to stand on this floor anymore so I run past him, down the stairs, hastily. He follows me immediately.

I reach the front yard and exit from the main gate. I find Harry's car parked in front of the gate. Without giving it a second thought, I open the car door, taking the passenger seat and pull the door close, at the end.

I take a deep breathe, sniffing too much and trying to calm myself down. I'm sure, my face looks shit with all the make-up smudged all over because of the tears, that just won't stop. I hear another door, slam near me, realising that Harry has entered the car too.

"I hate them", I mutter.

"Please don't say this. They want you to have a happy and bright future. To be honest, photography really doesn't make that good money..." Harry says.

"Please stop! Don't you dare put yourself down ever in front of me. If you do so, I swear I'll be the last one to forgive you." I say, strenly. "Being with you makes me happy Harry. My art makes me happy. Everytime, everything is not about money. And you don't know my parents. The only thing they care about is their family business. I don't even remember the last time, when we had spent some quality time or went out for a vacation. It sucks, you know. The only person who genuinely cared for me was my sister" I say, breaking down completely. Harry embraces me, his warmth making me feel better.

Harry's Pov:

"I ruined the night. Didn't I?" she mumbles with her mouth pressed against my chest. I lift up her face, holding her chin with the tip of my finger. "The night isn't over yet." I say, winking at her.

I get hold of the steering wheel, hitting the road. "Where are we going, Harry?" Perry asks.

"Just a little while, be patient Angel." I chuckle, running up the hill. This place is in the outskirts of the city, away from the busy life.

"What's up with you dragging me up the hills, all the time!" She whines and I have to laugh.

I stop reaching the top and wait for Perry to get there. I'm sure she'll either love it or hate it. I am quite nervous about it. She steps up next to me, ready to rip my head off, but when she sees the view she looses her speech.

In front of us there is an incredible view of our whole city. The moon is shining making a few rays lightning the valley down there. Bunch of clouds covers at least half of the city, shadows flowing around. The rest of the view consists of trees, bushes and hills around.

"This is so..Harry I-" She doesn't know what to say and that's okay. I want to speak now.

"Perry." I grab her hand, looking her in the eyes. "Will you go on a date with me?" I bring a nervous smile to my lips. I was never the guy, shy to ask a girl on a date. Never. But this is not just some girl. This is Perry. Exceptionally beautiful, talented, strong, witty and lovely girl. I never planned to ask her just out of the blue, but I knew when I ask her I want to be alone with her and that the place has to be special, same as her.

She struggles to find the words, but her lips curl in a nervous smile as well and I almost laugh. Her cheeks flush while she grabs my other hand. We are standing on the top of the hill, the fresh and cold autumn wind already blowing, holding hands and smiling like idiots.

"I have to say, that my answer isn't affected by your previous statement, that you refuse to hear another answer except yes. Okay? I want you to know that. So, yes, Harry, I'll go on a date with you. But-"

"No please no buts for now. Okay? Promise me, no buts. I want it to be just a yes. I need it to be yes." I interrupt her, desparate for her to agree without any other additions.

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