Bonus chapter- long+smutty

Start from the beginning

"There's nothing to thank me for. I am thankful and glad that you are in Matteo's life. You changed him, which was more than overdue.", Giorgia said softly. "We should go down now."

Walking down arm in arm, we reached the door leading outside. Behind those doors, only a short walk away, the guests are still waiting and more importantly, my soon-to-be husband is waiting for me.

Suddenly, the music began to play in some distance and we made our way outside. The second we reached the location, I saw Matteo's eyes light up as he stared at me and in that moment, I knew my life is going to be better than ever.

All worries of tripping and falling flat on my face vanished as I was walking down the aisle.

Simply looking at my handsome Matteo made me feel like I was flying. Amy was right. He looked hot as hell in his tuxedo.

"You are the most stunning and gorgeous bride to ever exist.", Matteo whispered when I reached the altar.

"And you're the hottest groom the universe has ever seen.", I said while reaching out for his hand.

The rest of the ceremony went by in a blur. I was focused on staring at Matteo. His beautiful eyes sparkled with joy and the smile on his face never vanished.

The black tuxedo fitted him perfectly. It hugged his body in a way that showed how defined his muscles are. I can't wait to get him out of it.

"Now, please say your individual vows to each other.", the pastor requested.

"For the longest time I thought my life was perfect. I had everything anyone could ever asked for. My path was filled with hatred, coldness and ruthlessness. I believed that emotions cloud your judgment and I could never truly love someone.", Matteo began, staring straight into my eyes.

"However, the second I met you, I knew you were special. Something about you pulled me in and I was helpless to fight against it. And I realized, the most important thing in my life was missing. The thing that changed me, your love. Emily, you are the strongest, loveliest and most beautiful woman I have ever met. When I look at you, I can't help but to admire what fights you had to deal with in the past and how much stronger each one made you. I simply have no words to describe you other than you being utterly perfect. You make me a better and happier man with each second we spent together. With that I vow to never leave your side and support you no matter what. I will always love you, until the day I die and after that."

By the time he finished, I was a mess. Tears rolled down my cheeks without me being able to stop them. How did I get so lucky and marry a man like Matteo? He was a complete asshole at the beginning but changed so much. When it comes to me, he's the softest human being that I know. And he'll forever be mine.

"The things I always longed for was freedom and safety. When I first met you, you made my life the complete opposite and a living hell.", I said while smiling up at him.

"After I got to know you better than most people do, I saw the real you. The parts you hide from others and the parts you're ashamed of. But no matter what you think, I love everything about you. You opened up to me, just as I did to you. Everyday you make me feel safe and free, I couldn't asked for more. Most importantly, you make me feel loved and worthy. Despite what others may think about you, you are extraordinarily protective and loving. Matteo, I vow to make you feel just as safe and free as you make me. I will love you in this lifetime and if there's a life after that, always and forever."

The second I was done, I searched Matteo's face for any sign of regret. All I saw was a single small tear rolling down his cheek. So small, any of the guests probably didn't even saw it. But that's alright with me because I did.

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