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It was night now, and when Bear made his way back to her, he sighed.

She was on the floor, just before the balcony doors where her chain ended. Her body crumpled. Bruises were starting to form on her arms from when he'd heaved her up out of the water. He felt awful.

He knelt by her, her back turned to him, hair covered her face and body. Snaking out like vines.

"You left me all alone." She said suddenly and quietly, hugging herself tighter. He nodded sadly.

"And i was miserable the whole time." He said, his hand reaching to move her hair from her face. She rolled over and caught it, pressing his huge palm to her cheek.

"You'll really never leave me?" She sounded so lost; her eyes searched his.

He lifted her up suddenly and laying down on the bed, Mouse hugging onto his chest, she nuzzled her face into his neck.

"I'll always come back Mouse. I promise you." Her eyes shut and she held onto him tighter, breathing him in.

"I almost lost you. And I realized that being apart from you wasn't an option." He said stoically. He held her tighter, almost as if in warning. Speaking low in her ear.

"So now you're my victim. The world thinks you're either dead or missing." She lifted her chained ankle and sighed. Her expression was unreadable for a moment.

"So, I've been abducted." She looked a bit perplexed.

"Thats for your safety. I don't trust you not to hurt yourself."  He said quietly, kissing her forehead. After a while of silence, he seemed to think, asking her nervously.

"Are you hungry?" And she frowned. Her eyes looked off into the distance and she sighed heavily. She seemed to think for a while and then looked at him again. His worried face struck her. She smiled

"I'm starving." He laughed and got up, gently bouncing her on the bed. He'd already prepared her food and heated it up.

He wanted to eat with her, so he got himself some too. When he sat down in front of her, she took the plate. Staring at it. Her stomach growled and she glanced at him. Mumbling to herself. She took small bites at first. And became a bit more confident.

She didn't eat everything, but she ate half. And he was satisfied with that. He cleaned up and came back. She was looking at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do.

"I can sleep in a different room if you..." He didn't get the words out before she was reaching for him.

"No please stay." She said quickly. He smiled and got in bed with her, she wrapped herself around him. Clinging onto him like she desperately needed him.

He held her close, she was his forever now. He'd never be alone.

And the two broken people found themselves sleeping peacefully for once.

A night of comfort and bliss. Warm and safe in each other's embrace.

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