The Chain

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When he got there, he parked gently. Coming around to pull her out as he looked left and right to make sure no one was watching. He carried her into the house and up the stairs, laying a towel on the guestroom bed and placing her down carefully.

He left and changed out of his wet clothes before coming back and helping her out of her wet undergarments. His eyes roamed for any wounds, and he lovingly stared for a second before putting on a fresh pair and sliding a soft light purple night gown over her head.

He tried to dry her hair as best he could and lay next to her, holding her close and sharing his body heat. She needed to get warm.

Still shaken from what happened. His mind was circling with thoughts. When would someone see the house fire? It was still raining, so the inside would burn for a while before the fire broke its way outside.

He thought maybe he should have hidden the purple bike, but it was too late to think that now.

And most of all, what was Mouse thinking? What had led her there? And how would she react when she woke up......she was expecting not to.

It didn't matter if she hated it. He needed her now. She wasn't allowed to die. He'd keep her here and he'd keep her safe. No one would look for her if she was dead. And that's what he was hoping they'd think. It was a risk but even if they didn't think it was her. They would never find her. He'd make sure of that.

He moved her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. He kissed her cheeks and forehead before his heart calmed. And the adrenaline from earlier left him, delivering him to sleep swiftly.

When he awoke, he checked the time. It had been 5 hours. She was still asleep. And he got up, gently moving her to the center of the bed.

He went downstairs and out the back to his work shed, welding a metal chain to a ringlet, with a lock and bolt. He used his strongest Loctite on the bolt and slipped the key to the lock in his pocket.

He got back upstairs to see her roll over in a fitful sleep. He was glad she seemed to be sleeping normally. He put the chain under the bed for now.

He fixed himself a meal and tried to be casual for a second. Drinking a beer and looking out at the lake. He was glad she really was here.

Mouse slept all day and night. And he worried for a while when She'd wake up. As he got tired, he once again lay next to her. Cradling her face with his hand and hugging her. And for the second time drifted off.

The harsh sunlight hitting his eyes is what woke him.

Startled by her absence his eyes flicked to the balcony doors immediately.

Wide open. The white curtains fluttering. He panicked and jumped up, just to see her standing there, one leg already up on the rail. He ran and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back and she yelled

"NO! Let go of me!" She hit his arms and hands as best she could, but it was weak. She struggled and tried to pull him down by lifting her feet, but he pulled her up and carried her back into the room as she whimpered. Flopping her down on the bed, she tried to struggle away but he grabbed her ankle and pulled out the chain.

"Let go! Let go!" She screamed as he fastened it around her foot and the left bed post. When the lock clicked, he let her go, and she rolled away from him sobbing.

"If you were gonna should've just stayed gone!" She cried, her face in her hands as she curled in on herself. Shaking.

His heart was breaking all over again and he ached. He let her cry for a moment before saying anything.

"I didn't want to know what I am... how could I..." He trailed off and she sniffled.

"You should've just killed me then." She said bitterly hugging her legs. Hair covered her face. He walked around and kneeled at the side of the bed in front of her. Trying to find her eyes. She stared into his.

"I couldn't do it..." He said sadly.

"I... you filled a place in my heart I thought would stay empty forever. You gave me a taste of what it was like to peace." He shook his head and sighed, shutting his eyes tight for a moment.

"I didn't want to drag you down with me." He finally said as he stood. He closed the balcony doors and made sure the chain was secure. He walked to the hallway and stared at her. Her eyes peeking out from her swirling hair.

"But now. I'll never leave you again." He said those words with a serious conviction, his endless eyes staring into hers for a long time. When she didn't respond, he went downstairs to give her some space.

Bear And Mouseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें