She Wanted Me To

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He was walking down the street in the dark, he'd been drinking a bit and was night prowling.

It was 4am and a women tried to attack him out of nowhere. Screaming about him following her or something, he hadn't even paid attention. But his reaction was instinctive.

He bounced the brunette women off the curb, her face split, starting to bleed. She looked like she was drunk. Before she could start screaming, his hands found her chin and the back of her head, a quick tug and he heard the neck snap.

She was small.... like Mouse.

Taking the crazy lady to his car quickly, he tossed her in the bed and drove to his previously marked dump spot.

He hadn't used it yet and was quite excited. It was a lovely place, and it was about to be sunrise.

As he drove up the mountain's paths, he remembered that rainy day with Mouse, and he chuckled to himself.

The morning light was starting to peak out, and the weather was warm but breezy, and he felt a bit better than usual.

As he got close to the trail his heart sped up. Sitting there was a purple motor bike with green flowers.

Why was she here? He hadn't seen her in months and now she was right where he'd been going.

He crept up the path empty handed. He just needed to watch what she was doing. His curiosity for her was burning and endless.

As he came up under giant leaves to watch the lake from the shadows, he saw her, in pale morning light as the birds began to chirp. It was very misty, and he noticed rain clouds in the sky.

She was barefoot. Her long dark hair was wet and stuck to her like webbing from a spider. Had she swam?

She wore a huge leather jacket over her small frame. Underneath was only a white night gown.
Her pale legs walking around the rocks of the lake; she'd stop every once in a while, to pick one up and inspect it.

She looked like a fairy, her mind was a mystery, somewhere off in the distance. Her face was expressionless and cold.

Some of the rocks she seemed to like, putting them in her jacket pockets. Was she collecting stones? In her night gown? He could never understand her. She was too unpredictable.

He watched as she filled her pockets with rocks, making her way around the lake. It wasn't a big body of water, but it was deep. When she reached back around to the dock she paused and looked at the sky. She pulled out a blunt from the jackets breast pocket and sparked it. He watched her smoke the whole thing before she stepped gracefully down its wooden planks. Her feet seemed so determined but slow, like a doe moving through a grassy field. She went straight down its center, reaching the middle of the lake.

She took a step onto the bench.

Then another onto the railing.

Suddenly it occurred to him that she wasn't just collecting rocks.

He bolted to the dock. And as he reached the wooden path, she turned around. He paused. Unsure.

"What are you doing?" He yelled out; his voice panicked. And that's when the rain started, he moved a bit closer to hear her. She was laughing.

"Why does it matter to you? How are you even here?" She yelled back. He shook his head.

"I was driving...saw your bike." He told her. She laughed again, this time it was bitter. His mind was racing. She sighed.

"Well, you missed your chance to kill me Bear. I got tired of waiting." Her face grew cold, she looked vacant and far away. It was like his heartbeat was in his stomach.

She let those words hang in the air. And he didn't know what to say. He was so lost. Before he could find words to speak, she did again.


She smiled at him as her eyes shut and she let herself fall backwards into the water. A loud splash filled his ears and then silence, she didn't even take a breath.

He was in shock, not knowing what to do.

Who he even was at this moment?

How could this be happening?

Wasn't this a good thing? Wouldn't she just die, and he could be done with it? She was right after all; he'd wanted to kill her.

He felt a surge of pain in his heart. It was like a cold spear, impaling him suddenly and viciously.

He felt an emptiness inside that would destroy him.

And he jumped over the rail after her.

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