Delerium and A Weird Girl

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He was so insanely mad. Humiliated and also very excited. His next targets just picked themselves.

Quickly turning back around after the encounter, he was able to see their walk home. Luckily, they didn't live far. The two girls broke off down the street and the mousy girl kept walking. He saw her go all the way down the road and into a small green house, off the side and slightly hidden from the road. Then he followed the other two, more closely, down about 3 blocks. Noting that they lived in the same apartment. Floor 3 door 305. 

Stalking back to his car, he began to plan it out. He'd have to follow them for a couple days to really know the schedule, but he didn't mind. Those two who said something would be first. And that other girl will be next. She didn't say anything, but she was their friend and probably laughed at him after he left. That expression she had pissed him off too. The fuck was that? Why did it bother him so much?

He followed them around after work for about 5 days. Those two girls were real pieces of shit. They tormented everyone, they said disgusting things and sneered with their ugly faces. They weren't actually ugly, but he couldn't see them as anything but haggard harpies. He hadn't seen much of their friend, but it didn't matter. she lived alone in a house. it would be easy regardless.

The Killer felt sufficiently capable now to pull it off. His weekend had started, and he pulled the balaclava onto his head

3:00am Friday:

He looked around before he got out of his car.

Ghost Town.

He crept up the well-lit stairs and to the 3rd floor of the building. Praying the door would be open and that they had forgotten to lock it.

Click. They did.

Quickly and quietly entering. Shutting the door silently as he had so many times before in so many houses. He went down the hall and to his surprise both their doors were wide open as they slept. His footsteps were eerily silent for such a huge man. 

He did the pillow throat combo on the first women. Smashing a pillow onto her face and then clenching his hand around her throat. He only needed one. Muffled, she squealed like a pig and thrashed but, he always found it so unfair how little it affected him. He was freakishly strong and steady.

As his thoughts wondered, he heard a creak behind him. Before he could react, the blonde girl had smashed his head in with a thick vase. Hard enough to be concuss. 

She couldn't do anything else as he grabbed her throat and squeezed hard, feeling the popping of her esophagus and seeing the terror in her face. Silently screaming as he pulled her to the ground. He let go and just started brutally beating her with his hands and she quickly went silent. Her face turned bloody and purple. He was panting loudly, and he felt dizzy, but he pulled out his knife and gave her a solid stab through the heart. She stopped twitching.

He turned around and made sure the other girl was just as dead. Then he left silently, leaving the door ajar and quickly getting to his car, it felt like a blur. A whirl of actions and pictures. His eyes seemed unfocused as he drove down three blocks, he quickly pulled off his balaclava to breathe easier.

Feeling delirious and floaty, he was still determined to kill the third. As he pulled up to her house the Man was shakey. But he got out and was going to do his best. By the time he'd reached the back door he realized his mistake. She would see his face...If she was dying did it really matter?

He tried the knob but no go. He saw that the wood on the windowpane was splintered. Taking his knife and gently shoving it in the crack, he wiggled it back and forth, breaking the wood with little splitting sounds. He was able to push the glass up and wiggle his hand under it to unlock the door. Just like that he was inside.

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