Jotaro x reader

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"It's okay I couldn't sleep anyways."

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Standing before the light of the fridge your eyes trailed through its contents, the quiet buzz of it and the white light emitting from it nearly led you to release a groan.

Reaching in and tugging out one of the hotel's tiny water bottles you let the appliance door close, holding your hand along the edge to try and muffle it's noise a bit. Your feet padded quietly against the hotel rooms carpeted flooring and as softly as you could you slid open the balcony door.

The air outside-albeit night was hot against your skin, like a sauna almost and you were contemplating going back to bed, although you also knew that in doing so you'd simply stare at the ceiling.

It was a small town and a nice night so why not spend it outside.

Sitting on the edge of the balcony with your legs dangling down, your head tilted up staring out at the star filled sky. you let out a hum twisting open the bottle of water and moving to take a sip- pausing as the sound of the door sliding open caught your attention.

Turning your head back to see who it was, your eyes settled on your ebony haired companion, the man lacking his white attire leaving him in just a turtleneck from the day prior.

You knew he had a tough day yesterday so right away you felt bad, "Did I wake you? Sorry." Musing that out you turned your head back towards where the small down in the distance was.

It was shocking to you when the man had asked for you to accompany him, but who were to say no?

Taking in a breath the man shook his head softly, voice a tad bit hoarse from getting up but still pleasant to the ear.

"It's alright, couldn't sleep anyways."

"Bull shit." Shaking your head at what he'd said you raised a hand stretching it to pat the ground beside you, a silent offer which he gladly took. The tall man now sitting along the ground much like you were.

Glancing at where you sat his eyes trailed away and a mix between a huff and laugh left him, "caught me there."

A silence fell between the two of you until you began speaking, "How are things going with the kid?" At that you watched him tap the metal bars of the balcony railings in thought.

"He's learning, I mean he's stubborn for a high schooler."

A laugh bubbled through your lips in response to what he'd said and playfully you nudged his side. "I could say the same about you. You were stubborn too back in the day." Recalling how he was in high school you let out a sigh while he let out a faint groan.

"I bet he even has a little fan club like you di-" "Weren't you in that fanclub?" Right away cutting in his head turned softly to watch your expression shift into a subtly flustered one, one of your hands raised to push his shoulder lightly.

"We don't bring that up, at least I was able to get somewhere with you- am I right?" A smile cracked across the man's lips at the comment and he couldn't deny that you'd been there since the beginning.

Remaining quiet for a minute or two Jotaro released a sigh, moving to stand up but not before resting a hand on top of your head. "Come on, we have a few more hours before sunrise. You can tag along with me in the morning."

Turning back to hold the door open he watched you rise from where you sat trailing back inside, "I'm stealing your blankets." Right as you finished he couldn't help but laugh softly once more, he was more than relieved when you said you'd tag along with him to morioh.

More than you knew.

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