Yandere Abbacchio x reader

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"The next time they touch what's mine, I'll cut their fucking arm off"

Warning: Gaslighting, Yandere, Toxic Relationship, Threats, Hinted Isolation

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"Come on (Y/N)! It's just one night you'll be fine!" "We'll be back before anyone even notices!"

Varying words were thrown your way in an effort to convince you to tag along on their ladies night.

Running your hand up and down the doorway you pursed your lips together, eyes trailing over the expressions of your friends before carving with a long sigh. "Fine, but we don't tell anyone." At that you watched them all nod eagerly.

They knew you were in a relationship currently, but also knew how little they've seen of you.

"Of course of course. He'll never know." Slipping past you and into the apartment your friends each nodded their heads in agreement before shooing you away from the door. "Now go get changed, put on something sexy woo!"

Rolling your eyes at what was said, you trailed off towards your bedroom, a slim fitting (F/C) dress was left in place of your comfy clothes. Hooped earrings adorned your ears and some light makeup was applied before you trailed back into the living room.

An array of wolf whistles left them at your look before they ushered you out of the apartment, the choice to leave your phone behind due to one of them.

"He can wait for you to get home, that man needs to learn how to let you have fun girly! Besides, if it's an emergency we left a note with our numbers." Patting your shoulder in a comforting manner the tallest of your friends smiled brightly, her upbeat personality and tone helped ease your nerves some more.

Ever since you'd entered into a relationship with your white haired boyfriend things have certainly been different. He was fine at first, just the occasional check up text and call here and there...though that was until it gradually became more controlling.

You weren't really allowed out without permission which was stupid on your opinion, and you had to double check with him if your friends could come over.

It was like living with your parents all over again.

"Just relax. We'll take care of you." Another word of reassurance was given all the while you were guided towards a nearby bar, the neon light emanating from the sign illuminated the street and without saying anything else your small group entered the establishment.

Music blared through the speakers much to your amusement and from the looks of it this was more of a club than bar.

"Hey uh I thought we were going to a plain bar?" Leaning over towards one of your friends and asking that, they flashed you a smile.

One of her hands raised in a sort of signal towards the bartender before she turned to face you, "it is a bar! Just a funner on!" Waiting for a second or two a pair of small shot glasses were set onto the counter in front of her, one of which was offered your way. "Now come on! Loosen up a bit!"

Sucking in a breath you accepted the shotglass feeling your friend linked her arm with yours, the two of you cheersing before drinking.

Instantly the faint burn of it was felt going down, the empty glass in hand was set back onto the counter and you could begin to feel yourself relax a bit.

You were with your friends. You were out to have fun.

What could go wrong?

Three more drinks later and you were on your fourth cocktail, this one being a fruit filled sangria that tasted like one of the best juices you'd ever had. Alcohol that barely tasted like alcohol was dangerous in your opinion- well sober you's opinion that was.

Tipsy, you could care less on what you drank or did as long as that happy buzz followed.

Vibing with the music and cluster of people gathered around you the glass was empty in no time, leaving you to stumble off towards the bar once more. The empty glass set on top though before you could order another someone had cut in.

"Two negroni's please, one for me and one for this lovely lady."

Turning your attention towards who spoke, the dim lights of the establishment illuminated the form of a man, someone who you were unfamiliar with but being close to drunk at this point you didn't mind the company of a stranger.

"So what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" His own words were slightly slurred, the man having leaned onto the bar table.

Leaning onto it yourself you let out a soft giggle, "Just spending a night out with my girlfriends. They're somewhere around here." gesturing around the establishment lazily a smile was stretched out across your lips.

Coming back two glasses were set between the two of you, the man who you'd been talking to grabbed both of them offering you one of them. "Cheers?"

Taking the offered drink you hummed, "Cheers." Clinking the glasses together before taking a sip you finished off the glass quickly, it's taste was a blur but what you could coherently recall was the man reaching out to brush some stray hairs away from your face.

"So mi cara, do you have someone?" Asking that and sliding across the bar some more he smoothly went to throw an arm over your shoulder, something that was halted instantly by someone.

"She does. Now back off." The voice was familiar, but with your buzzed brain it flew right over your head.

The man beside you let out noise in pain before reaching his arm away from who's spoken, darting off into the crowd instantly after.

"Hey-" "Come on, we're going." Reaching out and grabbing your arm his hold was tight, bruising nearly and despite the protests that rolled from your lips he kept walking. "I can't believe you."

Passing by the bars' main doors you begin sobering up a bit, heels beginning to drag against the sidewalk in retaliation. "Hey- let go, you're hurting me." Trying to tug your arm away it was yanked forward and held upwards, something the white haired man did often.

"Hurting you? What were you even doing in a place like this- actually no, I know why. Because your good for nothing friends bought you here, they're bad influences on you don't you understand?" Leaning in more each word was emphasized by the man's breath caressing the skin of your face.

Ombre hues stared you down and you could begin feeling yourself shrink beneath his gaze. "I didn't think the-" "Because you never know, you'll never be able to pick out someone's true intentions because you're too nice."

"What about that asshole about to feel you up?!"

Blinking at what he'd said you remained quiet, Abbacchio usually knew best when it came to people. . .but you just wanted to have some fun without him for once.

"I just- I wanted to feel free for a night." Hesitant to say that you swallowed thickly watching the man scan your expression once more, purple clad lips were pulled into a faint frown.

"Free? Do I not give you enough freedom?" Releasing his hold on your arm he watched you right away pull it in rubbing at the aggravated skin. "You're lucky I let you talk to your friends and even let you leave the house. If it was up to me I'd keep you with me all the time." There was a faint growl with those words, a faint threat underlining them.

"Now come on, we're going home." Raising a hand to rest against your back he began pushing you to walk, the silver haired man leaning down faintly towards your ear once the two of you were far enough from the bar.

What he said left you to shudder.

"Though the next time they touch what is mine, I'll cut their fucking arm off. The next time you make a decision like this- I won't be as forgiving."

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