Soulmate!Bucciarati Gang x Chubby!Shy!Reader

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AU: Everyone can hear their soulmates in their head at a certain age

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Cracking your eyes open a low yawn left your lips, the small amount of sun that snuck in through your curtains was enough to wake you before your alarm which was annoying in itself, but you weren't about to complain.

'Good morning Stella.'

Blinking up at the ceiling a nasaly sigh left you, the voice was familiar to you of course, it was one of the seven you heard on occasion although you never got the courage to talk back to them yet in the few months you've heard them.

This one from what you recalled was a former student, he's told you a bit about his studies from the past and has even asked questions about yourself, though being met with silence you assumed he understood you'd prefer not to speak.

The idea was daunting in itself, what if you made a bad impression? What if your voice wasn't what they expected? What if you weren't what they expected?

Those were thoughts that plagued you daily and it was times like that that you were glad you decided on what they heard.

'Hope you slept well.' Once again he spoke, the soft tone of his voice never ceased to sooth you and if anything he seemed like one of the calmes of the bunch. 'If you need anything, I'll be here.'

It was a consistent thing he did, was always the first to say good morning and always the first to offer help if he ever sensed some sort of distress from your end. He was the second last voice to show up however.

Pushing yourself to sit up, you raised the covers off your body throwing your legs over the side of the bed, the cold air of your apartment right away nipped at the exposed skin.

Raising your arms above your head and giving them a good stretch you trailed towards your curtains peaking out slightly, the bustling road below caught your attention instantly and a faint nauseating feeling began stirring within your stomach.

There were so many people.

'Is something wrong?'

Dragging your gaze away from the crowds below you couldn't help but peer back into the room momentarily forgetting that it was just one of the voices again. This one much like the one before was neutral, a bit rougher but still had a smooth undertone, he was smart- that much you could tell.

'You can always talk to me.'

"I know." Your response was verbal, something you knew they couldn't hear although there was always a chance you felt like they might've heard it, always this small hint of doubt.

Not hearing anything else from their end you trailed towards your dresser. As much as you wanted to stay inside today, you did need to go out and run some errands. Grocery shopping mainly but that's about it.

Flipping through different articles of clothing your mind trailed off towards what to wear for the day, you wanted something comfortable but also something that would look good- not draw too much attention either.

'A sundress would be cute.'

Your hands stilled in place from where they sifted through clothes at the voice, it was the only female one from what you gathered and for some reason she seemed to be able to tell what you were doing and thinking regardless of if you spoke to her.

'It's breezy but covers enough if you're self conscious- though I think you'd look good in anything.'

A fashionista is what you'd decided to pin her as, she only ever really spoke when you were indecisive on what clothes to wear or how to style yourself, which in all honesty was kinda nice.

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