Fugo x reader

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"I think I love you."

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Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel the blond glanced to the side where you occupied the passenger seat. A paper bag was sitting amongst your lap with assorted groceries for something you'd been pestering the blond to help you make.

"(Y/N), if you keep eating the peperoni there's not going to be anything left." Chiding that out upon catching your hand sneaking into the bag he could hear you let out a soft huff, something that caused the edges of his lips to quirk up.

Clicking your tongue you ignored his statement reaching into the bag once more and tugging out another piece, "There's enough and besides I have the munchies." Scrunching up your face before sticking another piece of pepperoni into your mouth, you watched Fugo shake his head once more.

The two of you were always the ones who'd head out and pick up groceries so trips like this happened often- well he was usually the one to head out, but you liked tagging along.

"You should've eaten something before we left then." Moving one hand off the steering wheel and reaching out he faintly smacked one of your hands upon seeing that you were reaching back into the bag once more. "Now stop eating them. We're almost home."

A groan left your lips but without arguing you gave the man a playful salute, "Yes sir."

Shaking his head once more Fugo reached out to turn the radio up a tad, the station playing was popular pop music, something he'd change if not for the fact he could see you begin bobbing your head to the song.

A gentle smile was set out across your features and who was he to disturb the small jam session you were engaging in.

It was cute.

Driving for a few more minutes the car eventually pulled into the team's driveway, the two of you now slipping out to head inside.

Running ahead of the blond you stepped into the kitchen, eyes right away focused on the glass bowl set out among the counter containing dough that the two of you made earlier. "Look! It's so fat now!"

Dropping the bag onto the counter you trailed towards the bowl lightly poking the plastic wrap keeping the dough contained.

Stepping over to look at the dough himself Fugo released a hum nodding in agreement, "If you want you can start rolling it out? I can get the other things ready?" Suggesting that it seemed as though he read your mind, watching you right away move to begin dusting the counter.

Putting some of the groceries away and leaving what you'd need for the pizza, Fugo looked back nearly laughing at how much flour you'd put on the counter and how much you were currently flinging into the air by trying to spin the dough.

"Are you trying to make it snow indoors?" Making a quick comment he watched you set the dough down instantly, cheeks flushing at the realization of how big of a mess you'd made.

"I think I used too much flour." Pursing your lips outwards and stating that you rolled faintly onto your heels rocking back on them.

Opening his mouth to add on the blond merely shook his head once more, it was times like these that he found himself unable to scolf you on making a mess. You were someone who didn't think a lot before acting, but he felt like that's why the two of you balanced one another out.

Moving towards the sink he took a towel that'd been set off to the side wetting the corner of it. "Always making a mess." Shaking his head and trailing over he cut you off before you could speak by beginning to wipe the flour off your face, it took every fiber of his body to add on the next words. "But that's what I like about you I suppose."

Holding your face still with one hand and wiping the flour away with the towel in his other, Fugo's attention concentrated on cleaning most of it off. His eyes took note of the pink hue creeping across the expanse of your face, and it was in that moment that his gaze trailed up to meet your own.

Violet hues swimming with something you couldn't quite deserve until the blond sucked in a breath raising up to peck your forehead gently.

"I think, I think I love you."

Widening your eyes in surprise at the words you watched him try to gauge your expression before turning away, only stopping once you'd reached out to grab the sleeve of his jacket.

Although a blush was still present across your expression and your heart fluttered at his words you managed to reply back, your own words causing a smile to creep across his features. 

"I think I love you too."

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