XLVII. Avarice Patriarch-Part I.

Start from the beginning

"What brings yer concern t'Mon Nirdor then?"


A long exhale came from the man as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Baldur Rocsteel will brief ya on the current state of affairs." He yelled something and gestured for the person to come over.

Jun saw as a blonde, that looked almost white, haired man stand up and come walking over. A large scar went down the side of his face and neck.

A short beard had braids bouncing in it as he took a seat near the redhead.

"So these here are the next fickle 'heros'?'' Baldur inquired as he eyed the two of them.

"I'm no hero." Arkshan growled, side-eyeing Jun.

"I-I'm not either..." Jun nervously laughed, waving his hand in assurance.

Grumbles came from Baldur and the leader.

"We've lost hundreds of men, women, children, and warriors from these damned demons. The loathsome army of the iron-fisted Tarin' came up about two weeks ago now. We were dyin', never seen any type of demons like these.

"I decided to hold up the remainin' people here in the Grotto of the Mountains here. The foods runnin' out, people starvin'. My people!"

The leader slammed his fist on the table, impassioned in his people's anguish.

"And the royal army only came because we didn't give their beginning of the new moon shipment of coins and jewels. Not because of what has happened thus far." Baldur finished for the other.

Jun noticed the pain and anger in their tones of voice.

It sounded that they didn't have a great relationship with the Yimpanian regime.

"What do these demons look like?" Arkshan propped his boots onto the table as he leaned back in his chair. Much to the displeasure of the other two.

"They're thin as handles. No eyes that I've seen. Whips for tails. And scrawny wings that looks like those of bats. No clothes, skin so pale that you can see their red veins, and fight with war scythes." Baldur stopped eye contact as he looked blankly at the table.

More Eastern demons. Is this the work of the Six Devils?

The table was silent after the description was said. Arkshan looked deep in thought as he looked up at the ceiling. Eventually Jun mustered the courage to speak.


The three eyed Jun once he said the demons' name.

"What do ya mean?" The leader said in a menacing voice.

Fire burned in his emerald eyes as he stood up from his seat. Jun grabbed his bowstring, scooting the seat back a bit.

"Bat demon...?"

"From where?!" He grabbed Jun's collar, forcing Jun to look down at him. "I've never heard any fuckin' Western demon with that name!"

"T-the...the East."

His eyes widened as he threw Jun forcibly to the ground. Jun yelped as his back hit the hard stone chair. Looking up to see a sword drawn to his throat. His breathing quickened as he looked into the green eyes.

"Vildrin." Baldur stood up from his seat, calmly putting a hand on the leader's shoulder. "He could be of use"

Jun heard a loud scraping sound and looked behind him to see his seat next to Arkshan.

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