XLIII. Skewed Morals-Part III.

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The great wyvern roared as it reared on its legs. Shaking the ground and blowing fog around wildly.

The fog cleared out enough from the surrounding area allowed Jun to just realize how massive the Vronymaja really was.

They jumped back when it brought down its giant wings onto the ground. Jun held onto Arkshan as the ground rippled underneath them.

Rocks, dirt, and other debris flying up from the two newly formed shallow fissures.


Jun quickly pointed to the wyvern as it came lunging at them. Thunder cracked as the Vronymaja was hit.

Though it was briefly stunned before calling out a high pitched croak. Jun's ears begun ringing as his vision started to blur.

He felt as he was thrown to the ground with great force. Jun rolled on the ground before coughing. His head was pounding as he tried to sit up.

The fog was starting to blow in once again, the winds howling all around. Jun saw Arkshan in the distance with the colossal wyvern. The two creatures staring at each other

Jun squinted and gasped once he realized what it really was.

Arkshan was holding it against its wings, wrestling against the Vronymaja.

He got up and watched as the half dragon bent back a little. Just before throwing it towards the forest with a resounding thud. Trees smashed and dirt flew in the air from the impact of the wyvern's body.

How in the heavens...

Jun just stood in pure shock at was he just witnessed. Arkshan was panting on his knees in the distance.

This was only the calm before the storm.

More trees fell in the distance as the vronymaja got up. The inside of its mouth glowed a dark blue. It began sprinting erratically towards Arkshan who was still recovering.

Jun forced his legs to carry him between the two. The freezing wind whipping in his face and numbing his exposed hands.

It pounced nearby before opening its massive beak wide.

"Bànhao." Jun panted as he put his hand on Arkshan's shoulder for support.

A giant stream of dark blue flames escaped from the giant wyvern's mouth, causing the surrounding air to become unbelievably hot. The plasma on Jun's hands blocked the roaring flames from them.

It engulfed the surrounding area as the smell of burning grass filled Jun's nostrils. The heat began to become unbearable.

Soon the flames stopped and Arkshan suddenly jumped over Jun and towards the Vronymaja.

He caught it off guard and stabbed it through the roof of its mouth. Jun covered his ears as it roared loudly in pain before throwing Arkshan off. The half-dragon bounced on the ground a few yards away.

The two silver swords landing next to Arkshan.

Before Jun could see if he was alright the Vronymaja swiped at him.

He managed to barely dodge the large wing as he dived underneath it.

The ground all around Jun had large, glowing red veins that looked like gigantic spider webs. It radiated intense heat as he danced from the wyvern's wings.

Jun swung his bow at it's stomach but it didn't screech or react to his blow.

It must have scales underneath. Jun thought as he twirled underneath its gigantic belly.

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