XXIX. Shanghaied-Part III.

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"Then let us settle this the usual way!"

Vidim announced as he drew an unusual looking long sword from a hidden sheath on his body.

Jun looked over to Arkshan who dropped the bloody sack he had been carrying around, it landed with a soft squish as it landed with more blood staining the bag. Then for some reason he took off his black spaulders and two swords with their sheaths and threw them to the ground.

He looked exactly how he did in the brawl with the tavern.

The memories flooded Jun as he remembered taking in Arkshan's appearance from his tail to his abs and all the way up to his glowing draconic eyes.

Jun slapped himself to stop thinking of those intrusive thoughts.

Arkshan wasn't the person he thought he was.

He didn't want to believe the rumors as rumors are usually twisted and distorted. Now only the faint thoughts lingered through his mind as he watched the fight commence.

"What you doing? This is fight not striptease!" Vidim mocked in amusement, causing a few people in the crowd to laugh or snicker.

Jun didn't know how Arkshan managed to keep such a straight face as steam lazily drifted out of his nose.

"What? Are you going to hide behind your sword?" Arkshan taunted, a malicious smirk gracing his lips as he gestured at himself.

Vidim's grip on his sword's handle tightened, blade shaking, before he threw it to the side. He then began to start slowly clapping while he laughed.

"I see you Arkshan! I see you! I'll play your game." Vidim then put his hands into his back pocket. "But I'll still win in the end."

It scared Jun how fast Vidim went from being angry to being so calm all of a sudden. He held his breath while he watched the two men walk towards each other.

Jun wondered how Vidim continued to remain calm as Arkshan towered over him.

The whole crowd gasped in utter shock as Vidim moved with such incredible speed.

Jun instinctively grabbed the collar of his tunic as he gasped, his eyes widening at the scene he never thought he would see.

Vidim had a knife in his hand which sailed through the air in less than a blink of the eye. It landed on the side of Arkshan's neck with a loud clank.

But Arkshan still stood as he laughed manically.

"Now this is getting interesting!" Arkshan cried out as he swiftly grabbed Vidim's neck and slammed him to the ground.

The knife flew out of Vidim's hand and slid across the plaza near Jun. It was bent as if it had been pounded by a blacksmith's hammer.

How...how did it even get bent? Jun looked down at the bent knife in both astonishment and dread.

A loud thump could then be heard as Arkshan threw Vidim across the plaza, he rolled on the ground before stopping at the crowd's feet.

Arkshan began to leisurely walk towards Vidim with the manic smile still plastered on his face. Jun felt like his heart stopped from fear as he saw the smile on Arkshan's face.

It scared him because it seemed like Arkshan truly enjoyed the blood and smell of death.

Maybe he did.

Vidim hopped up back to his feet while he cradled his arm. "I see you like thinking you're invincible, don't you?" Vidim mocked as he dodged Arkshan lunging at him.

God Complex - Vol. 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora