XX. Harbinger-Part III.

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Jun was starting to be a little bored of the same view of tall houses and the occasional lively venue.

It seemed like the night lasted forever over here in the West as he looked up. The sky still looked to be midnight as the stars were still as bright as ever. They seemed to watch Jun continue his business venture turned adventure.

He had been forced to follow Arkshan to some inn where he wanted to check in at for a brief stay. Jun had tried to ask him why he just wanted to check in at the inn for only a brief while.

But he got no answer. Trying to just make small talk also fell flat with this aloof half dragon. As Arkshan soon told him to just shut up.

His body ached and was utterly exhausted from pushing to stay awake and continuing down the seemingly never ending streets of monotony.

They eventually reached another stone bridge, but it looked different from all the other bridges they had crossed. It seemed to look more weathered and had green moss growing on it. The crowds of people thinned out to the point where the streets were practically empty.

Jun felt a little more awake as he took in the new change in scenery that he had been hoping for. Even if the change wasn't that major. Jun guessed that they had entered the older part of the city as the huge castle of Perenykisk was able to be seen a little better in the distance.

The tall buildings also seemed to be older as they looked more robust and rustic, but still had the same style as the newer buildings. Wooden boards in the higher stories looked weathered with some of their white paint peeling off with various empty spots. Moss grew in the cracks of the worn and torn stone streets.

Jun had to admit that this part of the city did feel strangely homey and familiar. Maybe it was because it felt more lived in.

All of a sudden a few brown feathered chickens ran across the street in front of the two of them. Jun looked to try and see where the birds came from and saw an open door with light pouring our from it. He saw a sign that read "The Coup Inn" that hung near the open door.

Fitting, Jun thought as he entered the inn behind Arkshan.

The inn was a little smaller than Jun expected, along with being a little less chaotic as well. A small stone fireplace sat at the back of the inn's main floor while a large staircase went up to the higher floors.

Jun saw a few men having pleasant conversation as they drunk hot beverages. Their long beards bobbed as they did hearty laughter. Him and Arkshan both walked up to the counter where there was a woman tending to it.

"Oh Arkshan! You're here," the woman said pleasantly with a smile as she looked up at him. But Jun noticed her trembling slightly under Arkshan's gaze.

He guessed that he has been here before.

"One room." Arkshan put a hand in his pocket as he took out a few mismatched coins.

Before the woman took the coins she noticed Jun standing far behind Arkshan. She took the coins and gestured for Jun to come up to the counter.

Jun walked up to the counter nervously. He heard flirtatious laughter of woman at the other side of the inn. A silence feel between the two of them while Arkshan could be heard walking towards the stairs already.

"Um...mam. Are you here to rest for night?" the woman asked Jun awkwardly. Jun scratched the back of his head as he squinted at her.

"Actually I—"

"—He's with me," Arkshan stated abruptly as he cut off Jun. The woman looked between the two of them a few times before she gave them both an awkward smile.

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