XXXV. Revered Renegade-Part II.

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Arkshan was awakened to the loudest snoring he has heard in all twenty seven years of his life.

He looked towards the source of the sound and found out it was coming from Jun.

Who had his head on his lap.

"Ya!" Arkshan shouted in disdain as he poked Jun with his nail. But Jun just kept on snoring loudly.

He then decided to push him off of the rock with his tail. As Arkshan did so, Jun reached behind him, grabbed Arkshan's tail, and hugged it tightly to his chest. An immensely frustrated grumble came out of the half-dragon as he looked up at the starry night sky.

He's one of those heavy sleepers.

A wave of relaxation came over Arkshan all of a sudden that caused him to look back down at the snoring person again. He watched as Jun was slowly rubbing the scales of his tail with his thumb.

Arkshan flicked the back of Jun's head, but he still got no response nor would he stop rubbing his scales. Jun was probably the heaviest sleeper he had seen. And probably in the whole world for that matter.

And Arkshan was probably the lightest sleeper in the world.

Even though Jun rubbing his scales was oddly relaxing, he still couldn't go to sleep from how loud Jun was snoring.

This wanton is going to attract everything within a ten mile radius...

Arkshan thought in exasperation as he messed with Jun's unkept hair.

It was a lot thicker than his own hair. As Arkshan's hair was as thin and fluffy as a rabbit's. He stared into the crackling ambers of the campfire while he decided to get lost in his thoughts.

He flickered his tongue and immediately was invaded by the fragrance of lilies and roses. That particular vial and scent was a gift to him by the three sisters that raised him.

As it was a way to remember them in his travels since that was fragrance they often wore. Arkshan continued to flicker his tongue to smell the floral scent.

Even though it was pretty peaceful and calm in the mountains where they were, it was also pretty cold from the breeze and the altitude.

The elements never bothered Arkshan as he could easily regulate his body temperature at will. He looked down at Jun and realized he was still in a deep sleep, not shivering or seeming to be bothered by anything.

It was probably his tail that was keeping him warm. A long sigh came out of Arkshan as he looked back into the dancing flames.

Jun was a curious case to him.

He knew his name wasn't his real name and his bow is special.

Though he couldn't put his finger on who, or what, he was.

As he was far too weak or naïve to be anyone of power or importance. Or any hero of sort.

Though he did want to find out if he was one of those Eastern dragon slayers or not. As dragons were the second strongest creature to Arkshan, the first being himself.

To have a human who's job and skill was to take down dragons, seemed like a battle worthwhile and challenging. As he needed a challenge already.

Everything Arkshan has encountered has been weak according to his standards.

And if having to drag this person along with him so that he could get that battle, he was willing to do.

Though begrudgingly.

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