XLV. Bitterness-Part II.

Start from the beginning

He looked at the foot of the bed and noticed that a pile of clothes were folded neatly on top of the thick fur blankets.

Jun moved the bucket out of the way and stood up from the bed, holding onto the nightstand for support. Bits of last night started to come back to him.

He had absolutely no idea who or why the names Koya and Vash came to his mind.

Were they my clients?

Jun wouldn't really doubt if that had happened.

It wouldn't have been his first time with two people at once.

The warm scent of fried dough wafted into the air. He looked at its direction and noticed that something crescent shaped was wrapped in dark paper. Along with a cup of some type of hot drink with steam coming off of it.

Jun's stomach growled at the breakfast before him as he swiftly grabbed the paper. He unwrapped the top and noticed that a pastry was underneath.

It was in a crescent shape with braided ends. A golden crust showing that it was perfectly cooked.

He took a large bite and found out that it was filled with potatoes and meat. The meat tasted like lamb and was so tender where it melted in his mouth. Fat shimmered from the inside of the fluffy pastry.

Jun jumped back onto the bed and went to try the drink. He was surprised that it was actually tea.

It seemed to be freshly made as it was still pretty hot and had a smooth taste. A spice that tasted like ginseng or ginger was mixed in with the tea. It went exceptionally well with the pastry.

His pounding headache also seemed to be subsiding somewhat from the food and drink.

The door opened which caused Jun to look across the room.

"Sleep well?" Arkshan asked in a deep voice.

He sounded tired as he leaned in the doorframe. His head almost too tall for the frame.

Jun rubbed his eyes to try and adjust to the sudden bright light entering the room.

He opened his eyes and saw Arkshan shirtless as he took a bite of something. It looked to be the same pastry Jun had as it was wrapped in the dark paper. His tail lazily swaying on the floor.

The bright sunlight behind Arkshan framed his muscular body and danced on his grey scales. Just like that time they camped in the mountains. Jun stopped staring and looked down at himself. He just realized that he was also shirtless.

"Wait!" Jun jumped back into the headboard as he panicked.

"Did I?" He pointed at himself then at Arkshan.


Suddenly a wave of pain radiated from his right arm. He looked down to see that it was all bandaged up, covered in blood in a few places.

"No." Arkshan responded bluntly.

Jun held his arm as something else came back. A giant dragon. More specifically a wyvern.

"What...happened?" Last night was all just a blur.

He seen two men that were apparently named Koya and Vash. Then some wyvern hybrid that spewed fire.

And a bar filled with people and alcohol.

Now it made sense why he couldn't really remember last night.

"You barged in reeking of alcohol." Arkshan took a bite of his pastry before continuing. "Then went on being sorry about some village and your aunt."

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