XL. Revered Renegade-Part VII.

Start from the beginning

An uncomfortable silence fell between the two of them.

Jun managed to stifle his tears as he tried to focus on something other than Arkshan sitting next to him.

The stars didn't seem as bright as usual tonight. Maybe because the fog and clouds were heavier up in this elevation. The soft chirping of crickets filled the silence from the nearby forest.

Khayvla was right about the spring breeze being pleasant, especially out here. As it was soft, warm air. Compared to the colder weather down in Perenykisk. Jun didn't know why it was, but he didn't find the warm breeze unpleasant.

"I guess you're happy to kill that dragon up north," Arkshan suddenly grumbled.

Is that why he's is in such a bad mood?

Though anything could put Arkshan in a bad mood. No matter how small.

"Um...no." Jun leaned back on his hands as he stretched out his legs. "I didn't know it was my job to kill it anyways."

"Eh? Don't you Easterners have a vendetta against dragons?" He felt as Arkshan was now staring at him with his piercing gaze. It made answering feel a lot harder than it should be.

"Yeah..." Jun didn't want to say it, but his brain continued to answer. "Though I don't find dragons particularly evil."

Arkshan opted to stay quiet at his answer. Not responding in any way shape or form. Not even a grunt.

Jun didn't bother to try and further the conversation either. He didn't want to try and ruin Arkshan's sudden friendliness, which he never thought possible.

As apparently his answer made him less hostile.

"How old are you?" Jun looked over at Arkshan in confusion at the unrelated question. His voice had an air of curiosity to it.


"Just answer!" Arkshan shouted, regaining his usual irritated demeanor.

"N-nineteen..." Jun heard Arkshan do a small, mocking laugh at his answer.

"I did more than becoming a whore at your age." Arkshan stated in an amused tone.

"Then how old are you then!?" Jun shouted angrily, slowly replacing his sadness.

"Twenty seven." He became quiet at Arkshan's answer. Jun knew Arkshan was older, but not eight years older.

"Why do you care about my age?" He didn't know Arkshan's motive for dragging him along with him. But his question made it more uncomfortable and concerning.

"You act younger." Arkshan put it bluntly. Jun didn't have a retort for him and just stayed quiet.

Though Jun didn't really trust Arkshan, he also didn't have the heart to leave.


Arkshan felt as something bumped into his shoulder, alongside a loud noise. He looked over and saw that Jun had fallen asleep. Jun's head leaning on his shoulder as he snored with his mouth open.

He sighed loudly and rested his chin on his hand. The half-dragon had only been outside with Jun for probably half and hour at most. They didn't converse anymore after they told each other their ages.

Just enjoying the starry night sky together.

The infrequent sounds of nocturnal birds singing their songs in the far distance. Along with the pleasant warm breeze of early spring.

It was peaceful outside Górsinburg which was surprising to Arkshan.

Though nothing would ever compare to the secluded hot springs in Yongwaddisu.

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