XXV. Harbinger-Part VIII.

Start from the beginning

A long white tentacle suddenly hit him as he ran. Knocking him onto the ground.

He coughed as he looked up to see another white tentacle coming straight towards him. Jun rolled away as it struck the ground and sprayed dirt and grass from the impact.

I can't run unless if I want to be impaled. I have to fight this thing then. Jun thought both tiredly and fearfully while he rolled onto his feet and grabbed his bow.

And I have enough tama to do so.

Jun watched as the creature screeched and jumped into the air. It flapped its grotesque feathered arms.

He tried to focus his breathing as he made his finger into a sign.

"Index and middle together straight...ring and little together horizontally..." Jun muttered to himself as he went to remember how to position his fingers to summon his powers.

He closed his eyes as he felt the energy coursing throughout his body in light pulses.

"Strike." Jun commanded, he looked up at the creature as he pointed his hand towards it.

All of a sudden a figure jumped out from the forest and up towards the flying creature.

It caused him to lose focus and move his hand down to the left. A large bolt of blue lighting hit a tree that his hand pointed at. Causing it to explode into charred pieces as the ear splitting crack of thunder was heard.

Jun crouched into a ball covering himself as pieces flew by him. The smell of wood mixed with the smell of death.

He soon looked up to see Arkshan standing across the clearing panting.

Staring directly at him with a slightly opened mouth.

The creature changed its attention onto Arkshan as it dived down towards the half-dragon. Arkshan rolled out of the creature's way before slashing at its left arm.

A bloodcurdling screech was heard as black smoke and a thick liquid oozed out of the two slashes on the creature's arm.

Jun quickly made the sign again with his right hand and pointed it once again at the creature.

"Strike." Blue lightning came down from the heavens and struck the creature head on.

"What the—" The electricity danced throughout the creature's body as it lunged towards him.

Jun felt as he was tackled to the ground as the crack of thunder was heard once again. The creature screeched as it jumped back away from him.

Part of its white head-tentacle sliced off and spraying liquid and smoke.

He soon realized that Arkshan was on top of him panting. The liquid splattered on the side of his face.

Arkshan quickly got off of him and stood off against the creature. Jun scrambled to his feet as he frantically tried to figure out what to do.

He watched as Arkshan charged at the creature and dueled against its non injured tentacle. The creature swung at him with its clawed hand.

Astonishingly Arkshan was able to grab the arm and throw the creature to the side. It wasn't powerful enough to knock the creature down, but was able to move it a few feet none the less.

Think think think! If lightning doesn't work then...wait! That's it! Jun kept his eyes glued to the creature and Arkshan fighting.

"Come." Jun muttered as he did the sign with his right and extended his left palm to the sky. The blue lightning came down into Jun's palm with thunder.

He took the now ball of plasma and spread it along his blow. Jun had to have his full attention on the plasma so that he could control it and not burn himself in the process.

The plasma spread along the bow and wrapped around both metal ends. He continued to think of the plasma encompassing the metal while he ran towards the creature.

Jun jumped as he prepared to strike using his bow.

"Release,"he said as the bow was mere inches from the creature.

The ends of the bow sliced upon the flesh of the creature as the plasma arched off of the bow and towards the creature.

Jun recovered his balance, covering his ears from the pained screeches of the creature. The electricity jumped along its body as blood sprayed out of a massive wound on its head and shoulder.

Jun regained his bearings and looked to see that one of the creature's winged horns were missing.

Maybe it's not my yutama but the silver ends on my... Jun paused in realization, it's the zodiz. It's a demon. But then how come my yutama killed the suea but not this?

He soon was casted out of his thoughts as the zodiz charged towards him.

Claws at the ready.

It was an attack that was impossible to dodge. Jun blocked one of it's claws with his bow. He quickly glanced over at the other claw to see Arkshan dealing with it. The zodiz screeched again as they both did slashes at its arms.

Arkshan actually managed to cut off its other arm.

But then the plasma is more concentrated than my lightning. Maybe I just need to overload it at a weak point.

Jun jumped back away from the demon as he scanned its grotesque body for a point of weakness.

Arkshan charged at the zodiz once again and managed to swiftly dodge all of its swipes and tentacles. Light shined off of his duel wielded swords as he jumped and slashed at the exposed organs in its back.

The creature did a distressed screech as it toppled over briefly. Giving an enraged yell. Black smoke plumed from its organs while it slashed at Arkshan with great speed.

That's the weak point.

"Hey!" Jun yelled, but got no response. "Stay away from the zodiz for a bit!"

"No!" Arkshan yelled back in a rage as he dodged its claws.

"Trust me! Please!" He was desperate as he didn't want to harm Arkshan. Jun didn't feel like he was consciously choosing his words, but he felt like he shouldn't harm him.

"Why should I?!" The half-dragon seemed exasperated at his simple request.

"Because I don't want to hurt you!" His statement fell on death ears as Arkshan continued to dodge and fight at the demon.

Jun quietly and quickly asked the heavens something as he began to lose his surroundings. He was now completely focused on what he was about to do.

And it was going to take lots of tama.

"Thun..." Jun clasped both of his hands together and made them into a sign.

"der..." His right hand moved above his head as the other stayed.

"storm..." He slammed his hand down through the air.

Jun opened his eyes and looked at the flying creature. Arkshan was seen away from the creature as he looked up at the sky with wide eyes.

A barrage of red lightning struck at the creature with immense speed while thunder filled the air for seconds. The lightning continued to rain down for a few more moments before it stopped.

Green and red dots floated through the air like fireflies as the zodiz was swaying side to side.

Dazed as electricity danced all along it.

Jun watched weakly, his vision slowly fading, as Arkshan ran at the demon. He jumped up into the air, and sunk his two swords deep into its organs.

The demon did a static, distorted screech as it fell down onto the ground.

Arkshan standing on top of the dead demon was the last thing Jun saw as the world went black.

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