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Jungkook hugged Jin who's in front of him as he realizes the reality. Reality hits him really hard. And so, he felt so weak and helpless. He just let himself to cry for his lose.

Jimin came in front of him, when he calms down. He reached for his hand and handed him a camera. Taehyung's favorite item. Coz, Taehyung is majoring in arts, she loved taking photos. Photography is one of her best interest.

" I---I'm so-sorry, Kook. I____ I failed to save them. I'm sorry."-then Jimin cried in front of him, while kneeling down as he doesn't have anymore strength. "I believe... It belongs to you. Y-you need to see it for yourself. It's Taehyung's beloved item after all."

And with that, Jungkook held onto the camera tightly.

Time skip~

2 weeks since, Jungkook finally got his senses back. He got discharged from the hospital already. The first day when, he visited his and Taehyung's house, he cried so much.

He stayed there alone for more than 5 hours still crying for her.

The next day, he went to school and went at the rooftop trying to end his own life. But then, something inside him, stopped him from doing so.

Then, he went to Taehyung's gravestone beside her grandma, grandpa and her mother's gravestones. After Taehyung has died, her grandmother died after a week. But, Jungkook feels happy for Taehyung in some part of his heart.

He sat beside her gravestone.

Listen to: YOU ARE THE REASON by Calum Scott

"Y-you might be so happy right now. *Smiles bitterly* Y-you're finally with your eomma, and grand parents and our own child, our angel. But, but you're so unfair Taehyung... You haven't even let me speak to you for the last time. I___ I haven't confessed my real feelings for you yet. I haven't talked with you yet,___ and told you how much I love you. I could have done better. We could have a lot of things to do together. Why? Why do you have to leave? You left with our child, and now * cries* now I'm left alone here."

"Tae. Is it, is this the consequence of me taking you for granted. Of taking for granted our moments together?... I thought, when you found your one true and great love, everything will be okay. You said, stars shine brightest at night. But why?! Why did you not told me about the dark nights without the stars above the sky?___ I believed in your words Taehyung, I believed in every words and stories you've told me before. *Sobs loudly* I know, it's crazy. It's crazy that, I am the one who always opposes your thoughts and words. But, but without knowing it. And without realizing, I fell for it. I fell harder in your words. I fell for you... And now, now. Now you left me just like that, you left after I fell and never tried to come and reach for my hands."

He held onto the camera that, Jimin has given him and he hugged it tightly as if his life depends in that small object/ gadget.

"N-nobody told me t-that... Finding your one true and great love would feel this way. That, it would forever engraved such pain deep inside your heart. No one told me that, having your one true and great love____ means, dying slowly... Without that person by your side. Tae~ Tae, I love you so much. Y-you you're my one true and great love. I'm sorry, *he touches the gravestone* I'm sorry, I was too late to realized it. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you during your last breath. I'm sorry... You have to love someone like me~ I---I just want you to know that. I, I never regretted having you in my life. You're the best thing to happen in my life, Tae."

Jungkook is now leaving the country. He's going to Paris to study for his masters degree.

He never tried to open that camera. It has been 2 years already. Since Taehyung's death. He is now waiting for his flight. It's getting bored for real. So, without realizing it. He opened it. There was a bunches of photos of him. Then, he begin to tear up. While seeing the each photos. Then, suddenly a video played.

"Hi~" *It made Jungkook to freeze in his seat.*

"I'm Kim Taehyung, aniyo~(no), I'm Jeon Taehyung. *She's wearing a big smile in her face* I'm just going to practice it here. Hope it goes well."

She shakes her hands up as she breathes heavily.

"Tonight is the BTS ball. And, and... Jungkook is my date. *Blushes* B-but, I have a surprise for him. I, I received Jessi eonnie's message. She, she actually conducted a test about me secretly. I'm going to tell it to Kookie. B-but, it makes me so nervous... So. Here I am. I am going to practice here. Hopefully, it goes well. I hate myself... *Pouts cutely* I always stutters alot when I'm speaking towards him."

Jungkook smiles a little bit while watching her.

"Let me practice, one more time... *Breathes heavily* Jeon Jungkook. Hi~ I'm Kim Taehyung. Maybe, you don't really remember me. B-but, I still do remember you. You're the first person who said 'Hi' to me without looking down or being disgusted on me. I was 9 back then, and you were 13 that time. The first time we met... But then, because of some accident when you saved my life. Y-you lost your memory. That's why, since then____ I promised myself to find you. Then I found you again, after so many years. I said to myself that, I'll do everything. Everything for you to remember me again. But___ I guess it'll never gonna happen."

She pauses as she looks down. Jungkook felt guilty for not remembering her.

"But don't worry~ I'm not mad. I'll never get mad at you, my savior. That's why, when they asked me to marry you. Without second thoughts, I said yes. *Smiles genuinely* I am not expecting you to return my love for you. B-but, but now that, IU, your real love is back... I'm willing to let you go. For your own happiness, I'm willing to sacrifice my own happiness. I'm grateful for the short time that we had been together. *Her eyes has started to teared up.*"

Then she held onto the camera with her right hand.

"And___ and I'll be f-forever grateful to you for giving me another reason to live. *Cries while still smiling* Jungkook. That night when you got drunk, you didn't raped me at all. I give up myself on you. Because, that's how much I loved you. Y---yes. Jungkook, I am almost 2 months pregnant from you. I___ I am carrying our baby, my angel."-she smiles as she showed her womb which is so small yet.

Jungkook cried so hard, while watching it. He sobs loudly not minding the stares he gets from the other passengers who are waiting for their flight too.

"I... I am going to be a mom now. A-and I swear, I'll be the best mom for our child. I'll do everything that my mom weren't able to do when she died. E-even if you don't want us... I'll accept it gladly, and let you go. I_____ I just want you to know that, even if I could rewrite the stars by myself. I'll still choose for our fate to cross. That way, I could co-exist with you. That way, I could still have a reason to live... Jungkook, I love you so much. But, maybe we aren't made for each other. That is why, with all my love for you. I am giving you a choice. B-because, I don't want you to choose me because of this responsibility. If___ if you will choose me, it's not because of our baby, neither out of pity or it's because it is the right thing to do. I want you to___ choose me because you, love me too. And that, it's your own choice."

Taehyung wipes off her tears, and fixes her make up.

"Hoo~ I'll end it up here. Can I really say those words in front of him? Ughhh! Stars above the sky, please guide me this time."

And with that, the video comes to an end.

Jungkook was again left broken. He hugged the camera, and continuously chanted Taehyung's name.

"Tae, I choose you because I love you so much... That's what, I failed to say. I'm sorry for realizing it late, MY BELOVED, TAEHYUNG."- he says as he finally reaches his destination.


He is planning to spend his whole life here, ALONE.

" I love you so much, my love. Even if, the Universe is yet to be rewritten. I'll always try to find you. I'll come back for you, no matter what. I'll come and meet you over and over again, wherever you go and whatever time... That's my wish, Jeon Jungkook."


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