Chapter 30:

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Taehyung's POV:

After that, I sat on the bench with Jimin and the other girls around me, Twice members already apologized to me and they told me everything that they had planned against me, including that night with Kai. But they assure me that, nothing has happened between Kai and me. And I, forgive them already. They're just human being afterall. They commit mistakes, the important thing is they regretted it. And, they just felt sympathy towards Jimin, that's why.

But then, up until now I still feel so shocked about what just happened. I____ I almost died.

Then, I put my hands to my tummy as I let myself to cry hard.

"I'm sorry~ I'm sorry for being reckless."

Then, as I was crying so hard.

Jungkook came running from the entrance.

Jimin, stood and found his way towards him. He punched him really hard.

And then, held onto his collars tightly.

" Damn it! Jeon Jungkook!!! You really have the guts to show up here after what you have done to Taehyung?!"

Jungkook held onto his right face that was hit my Jungkook.

"Jimin, please. Let me talk to Taehyung first. I need to make sure she's okay. I need to explain to her."

"Bull shit! Stop your drama now, Jeon! Stop playing her feelings! And stop hurting her more. I already told you before. Didn't I?! I told you that, if you want her to stay with your shitty life. Then treat her nicely! Love her! Don't fuckin hurt her, but what have you done huh? You cheated on her. You cheated on her with your ex, you bastard!"

Jimin was about to punch him again, but I came in between them, blocking Jimin from punching Jungkook.

"Tae--- why are you, protecting him?!"-Jimin asked confused.

I looked at Jungkook.

"Trust me on this, Jimin... I'll___ I'll just need to talk with him. Please~"

And with that, Jimin and the Twice members left the said place.

Song to listen: IF YOU (covered by Jungkook)

I am now facing Jungkook. He looks wrecked by that one punch by Jimin.

But then, I already made up my mind. I'll set him free. I'll let go of my love for him, it's not because I don't love him anymore. But it's because, I know that... He'll never love me back. It's hard to admit and accept, but then what happened before. It made me realize one thing. I can't die, knowing that I am carrying my child, our child. I'd want my baby to live a life. I'd be the happiest mom, if I could be given the chance to see my own child growing. And for me, it's enough to stay alive. Even if, it means that I would have to let go of the man I truly love, eventually.

I sighed deeply as we sat, side by side on the bench.

I smiled bitterly when I looked at him.

It still pains me, knowing that he cheated on me. That, he still loves her.

"Y-you came."- I managed to say.

"Y-yeah... I was--- I was scared when you talked to me on the phone as if you're trying to___"

"End my life? *Smirks sadly* Yeah. I did... No, I almost did. I almost give up my life. I almost died, a while ago. I was hoping, you'll come and save me. But___ y-you came late. *Gulps* I was standing at that diving area. I never experienced extreme nervousness, I never got scared that much before... But, but when I was about to kill myself and end up everything by diving off that 16 feet high without knowing how to swim. I felt so scared. I--- I can't breathe."

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