Chapter 29:

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Flash back:

Taehyung's POV:

I woke up in a white room. At first, I felt a sense of happiness inside my heart. But then, when I looked around
I was just inside the hospital. Then my eyes landed straightly to a sleeping figure beside me.

"J-Jimin?"- I managed to call him.

He opened his eyes, then he rushes to my direction. He hugged me tighter.

"I---uh I can't breath, Jiminie."

"Oh~ Yeah. Sorry."- he smiled sweetly. "I just got excited. H-how do you feeling right now? Are you still feeling dizzy? Are you okay now? Don't lie with me."

He speaks like a robot. Honestly, he looks like a worried husband to me. He's so adorable.

How amazing would it be, if...

"You look sad, did I say something wrong?"- he asked while looking at me worriedly.

I shake my head aggressively.

"N-no... I'm, I'm just--- Jimin, can I ask you something?"

"Umm. Yeah. Of course, what is it?."

" Am I__ am I hard to love? Yo-you know what, I have this secret. Truth is, I am an intersex... *Looks down* I have a female body, b_ut___ but__"

"Tae, I never said that I had loved you because you're a girl. I love you because you're you. And always remember this, love doesn't have any gender. And you're not hard to love, in fact at first glance. I just knew that, that you are the one for me. But then, I failed to realized that you are not meant for me.* Sadness radiates in his voice* But don't worry, I already accepted it. "-deep sighs.

I don't know know, but I felt like crying when he stated those words. I feel guilty deep inside. And I also feel pain deep inside my heart.

"Do you think, Jungkook has already moved on from IU? I___ I mean, is there a big chance for them to ended up together?"- my tears are starting to fell down.


"I___ I don't really know about it. But, the only thing that I can say to make you feel better is that, trust JUNGKOOK. He never breaks off his promises, I knew him very well.
Once he makes one, he'll never break it off. You just have to trust him and have faith in your relationship."

"But, he made a promise to IU too back then. What-what if, he keeps his promise for her?... Jimin, I feel so confused and anxious right now. I can't___ I can't lose him? *Sobs loudly*  I thought, I thought I was ready to already give him up when the time like this comes. When, he'll need to comeback to the real person whom he really belongs to."

"Taehyung, it's just like this. It's like waiting at the bus stop, though you already know that you'll never get the chance to ride since it's yet not done from it's other route. So, are you willing to wait even if it took you for forever of waiting for him to come for you at last?"

I didn't respond. I'm too weak to answer his question.

"Tae~ Please, stop crying already... You know how much I hate it whenever I see you crying. Do you know what is more painful than loving unconditionally the person who'll never love you back? ____It's actually loving the person who is not yet over loving the other person... You need to sort this out with Jungkook. You both need to talk to each other."

"But he never listens."

" Then let me do it for you. I'll convinced him. I'll make him speak and listen to you, if he really loves you and wants you to stay beside him. He'll listen to you... I swear, if he tried to hurt you again. I'll make sure to get you back for myself. Even if you don't want to."

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