XI. Duplicity-Part I.

Start from the beginning

"I am just going to Perenykisk to go hunting," Jun said quickly.

It didn't seem to convince the guard, but rather made him even more mistrusting of him.

"But that still doesn't explain why you have a bloody arm." the guard scoffed. Jun felt as he unconsciously began to fiddle with the tied strings at the end of the cuffs on his tunic.

"It is just a cut from when I fell down the docks." Jun did a soft nervous laugh. "I am just a clumsy person."

But the guard seemed to pay no attention to his answer and switched his stare to Misaki.

"What is your relation to this man?" Jun looked over at Misaki and was surprised that she had managed to remain calm this entire time.

I guess this is where I get arrested... Jun thought bitterly.

He's had close run ins with the law before back in Nuoach Bay, but never actually arrested. Though he's never done or wanted to do anything illegal.

It was just because of a few clients he has had before and that his profession isn't really a part of what usual jobs were.

As it dealt with more underground and shady people because they were the ones who frequented those types of services.

Especially people who frequented or had some tie to the Black Market down in Telai.

"He's my nephew." Jun felt as Misaki pulled him into a side hug. "Adopted. But still my nephew."

Jun swiftly turned his utterly shocked face into a grin with closed eyes.

"Oh, I see." Jun opened his eyes to see the guard relax a little and not seem so hostile. But Jun wasn't ready to get comfortable. At least not yet. "Sorry for acting suspicious, but you just can't be too cautious around here. Especially once things have been becoming more hostile in the West."

The guard explained as he took a quick glance at the wall behind him.

Curiosity suddenly got the best of Jun.

"What has been happening in the West?" He heard himself blurt out. The guard eyed Jun with a raised eyebrow.

"You haven't heard? There's been more reports of demons, monsters, and other creatures terrorizing cities and their outskirts. Wait, did you say you were going to Perenykisk earlier?"

He asked, a hint of concern in his voice. Jun nodded his head nervously to the guard.

"I suggest you don't go. Or at least for now as there's recently been reports of a zodiz killing people out around the outskirts of the city. According to what the bounty hunters been saying is that it's a type of high-class demon that leads people into the forest then eats them at night.

"And since the Taring[2] has placed a bounty and a generous reward on it, because it is terrorizing around the capital, everyone's been saying how it is a matter of time before The Harbinger of Syóyeong arrives there."

"You mean Arkshan?' Jun asked, cocking his head to the side. It seemed that just the mere utterance of his name caused the guard to seem taken aback. As if the words physically hit him.

"Yeah...Him..." The guard narrowed his eyes as he continued. "It's just not the ideal time to be in the West safely. Especially where you want to go. " He then turned to Misaki. "Since you're going to Vosorod, like usual, would you like one of my fellow guards to escort you there?"

Misaki waved her hand lazily as she answered. "Oh no it is fine. But thank you for having our wellbeing in mind."

"Are you sure? Not all the Western creatures and spirits out there can be defended against with magic." He pressed.

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