II. Peculiar Client-Part II.

Start from the beginning

He hated this but it was a fact of life.

A women was considered a whore for sleeping with multiple men but men were praised when they slept with many women. But a man would still sleep with a whore, because it wasn't like they were the ones who had the most risks when doing business with that part of the underworld.

Jun just chose this life because he used it as a way to forget about his past and make a living as well. And he didn't want to be tied down by a relationship.

Plus he didn't always have male clients, he also had women as well. So it wasn't all that bad, or at least in his mind.

Suddenly Jun felt a hand cover his which snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at An to see him holding his hand.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" An asked with a smile while he rested his hand on his chin. "Jun."

Jun felt a sigh escape his lips as he broke eye contact and looked back out at the water.

"Nothing in particular. Why would you care about me?"

"Well, you're beautiful for one thing." Jun heard himself scoff at An's words.

He was one of those clients.

The two sat in silence with the background of soft waves hitting the stilts of the restaurant.

Soon the waitress came with a large tray that held their food.

She wore the traditional dress of the Mang Kingdom which was a simple dress that had silts on the sides that had intricate embroidery along the edges.

The waitress set down their plates and bowls of raw food on the table. And lastly placed the small hotpot in the middle of their table. Tea was also given to the two of them along with a pot of it set off on the side of the table.

"Please enjoy your meal sirs," she said in Mang, doing a small bow before swiftly leaving.

Jun understood Mang pretty well, though the different dialects often tripped him up. But he decided to not think about that and focus on the food they had just ordered.

They had ordered caycah, or spicy fish soup, to be the soup that was in the hotpot. Along with two varieties of raw fish slices that Nuoach Bay was known for, plenty of vegetables on the side, and both of them had a bowl of cooked rice noodles.

Jun grabbed the ladle and poured the soup over his noodles. The caycah smelled very fragrant of ginger, spice, and fish which made his mouth water.

He took a bite of the noodles with his chopsticks and sipped some of the soup with a spoon.

Jun stared at the soup with wide eyes as his mouth opened slightly. It was surprisingly light with the ginger taking away the strong fishiness, but still keeping the flavor of the fish. Along with a nice tingle from the spice and the refreshing crunch from the bean sprouts.

"So good..." Jun muttered out loud to himself as he quickly took another mouthful of the food.

A soft laugh could be heard and Jun looked up to see An taking a bite of his noodles with a smile and his eyes closed.

"You're so cute," An said with a small laugh after he swallowed his food.

"Shut up and eat your food." He glared at An briefly before putting his attention back to his heavenly food.

Jun surprised himself with how hungry they both were as the large amounts of food were almost gone in the time they were eating.

He had eaten lots of Mang food in the time that he resided in the kingdom and it was somewhat similar to the cuisine he had grown up with.

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