Chapter 34: The Past

Start from the beginning

Naruto's eyes widened to almost impossible levels as he froze. 

Sayuri's eyes widened as she heard those words spoken. Who was this guy? And what did he mean by that? As if hearing her thoughts, Sasuke turned his attention to the young woman. "The boy you hold affection for is not the one you originally loved. You see, Naruto and I, are not from this world!" He revealed in a shout, declaring Naruto's secret to the world. "We are from an alternate world where Madara Uchiha was revived and proceeded to slay almost every shinobi alive, eventually killing me and Naruto Uzumaki." 

"What a stupid lie!" Sayuri yelled, glaring at Sasuke. "You expect me to believe such a thing? That you guys are from some alternate future?" Sasuke merely shook his head, as if dealing with a child. 

"Whether you believe it or not, is entirely up to you. Have I lied to you at all since we've met, Sayuri Uchiha?" He walked past Naruto's kneeling form casually, approaching the female Uchiha. "What if I were to tell you that Itachi Uchiha was my older brother in my reality? That he was ordered to slaughter the Uchiha clan not only in this timeline, but the other one as well?" 

Sayuri swung her sword at the older Uchiha, but Sasuke's Rinnegan formed a forcefield around him, causing the blade to just bounce off of the invisible object. "Which means that in some weird way, you could consider us siblings. After all, you're merely the female version of me." 

Sayuri's eyes widened as everything clicked. The hidden glares, the killing intent when they became Genin, the shouting about Madara on the hospital roof, the times when Naruto called her a fake, it was because she was the version of this man in this timeline? 

"Why do you hate me? I mean, I knew you disliked me in the academy, but ever since we've became Genin you have done nothing but berate, laugh at, or flat out ignore me! Why? I'm not accepting some bullshit answer either!"

Naruto closed his eyes, resting his head upon the wood. "Because you remind me of my failures." Sayuri took a step back, her eyes wide with shock.

"What do you. . ." She trailed off.

"I had a friend named Sasuke once. He had a troubled life and was like me. We were brothers and we fought together, bled together, and cried together. I watched him die protecting me and I could avenge him in the end. You and Sasuke are similar, so looking at you makes me think of him, and thinking of him, makes me think of myself."


"You've lost a lot, haven't you?" Sayuri whispered. Naruto nodded and he used his forearms to cover his eyes. "Have you talked to anyone about it?" Naruto shook his head.

"Only the old man," He whispered. The pain in his throat becoming unbearable. Sayuri let her delicate pale fingers graze his forehead gently.

"You don't have to talk, but here's my request for beating you, Naruto-kun." He stiffened. "Please, let it out. All the pent up anger and sadness, let it all out until you can't let anymore out. It's okay, I won't let another soul know."

Naruto began shaking, his entire body trembling as he turned, his face burying into her lap. She let a sad smile cross her face as she felt her thighs begin getting wet by his tears. He hiccupped and began crying freely, shaking as she sat there for him, stroking his hair as his crying turned into wails of sorrow and sadness.

He cried and cried.

At that moment there was nothing else except for Sayuri and Naruto. 

This was Sasuke? Naruto had called this man Sasuke and the way he was currently acting, then that left no doubt in her mind. This was Sasuke Uchiha, the one Naruto considered his brother. The one who had died and plagued Naruto's mind so often. The one who probably caused the teen the most pain.

The one who told her the truth about Itachi, and Naruto's knowing of the truth. The one who taught her an attack named Chidori that Naruto easily recognized. He's the one who. . .

Sayuri's face darkened as her Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan activated, flaring violently as a shout of pure rage came from his mouth. "YOU'RE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR NARUTO'S PAIN!" She roared, her Susanoo bursting to life as she hit Sasuke across the battlefield with an extended light purple arm constructed of chakra, a rib cage surrounding the female Uchiha protectively.

She glared at Sasuke as he stood up, dusting the rubble off of his bare shoulders before chuckling. "You think your knock-off Susanoo truly stand a chance," Purple chakra formed around his body as he was suddenly in the center of a giant complete Susanoo. "The real thing?" 

A bow appeared in his Susanoo's right hand as he held it up, his left hand drawing back a chakra arrow as he pointed it as Sayuri, who standing just a few feet away from Sakura and Sai, both hovering over Obito. Sakura was having a difficult time healing Obito's wound, knowing that if any other medic other than Tsunade was here, the Uchiha would have been long dead. Sai was watched Sasuke with worried eyes, trying to figure out how to protect Sakura and his sensei.

He had zero ties with Sayuri or Naruto, and after dealing with this Sasuke Uchiha, he would attempt to eliminate both of them for the betterment of the Leaf. They could not be allowed to live any longer, both were a threat to the Shinobi Nations and wielded more power than most, if not all, of the shinobi in the Leaf. They were future threats and he would deal with them accordingly. 

Sayuri recognized the jutsu Sasuke was about to use and cursed as she leapt over to the huddled trio. "Stay within my Susanoo," She said, her eyes never leaving Sasuke's Susanoo as she enlarged her own, the purple chakra encasing all of them. 

Sasuke laughed at the attempt. "That won't protect you from this, foolish girl!" He shouted as he released the tremendous jutsu, it going straight towards Sayuri as she grit her teeth, readying for impact before a single black ball appeared in front of the jutsu, the arrow going straight through the black orb before stopping and falling to the ground unceremoniously.

"Don't touch them," Naruto whispered as he glared angrily at Sasuke, tears still streaming down his eyes as he glowed a golden yellow. "I'm going to beat you to hell and back, Sasuke! I'll break every bone in your body until you start thinking straight!" 

Sasuke smirked, the words sparking old memories between the two before he deactivated his Susanoo. "Then by all means, fake, BREAK EVERY BONE IN MY BODY!" 

And done. Short chapter I know but I really lack inspiration for this story.


Go read my other story called Unshackled

Til next time my lil demons! 

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