Pain Killers

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It had been a weird few weeks since the gala.

Jonah informed me that Corbyn was no longer allowed to speak to me unless he was in the room, which I understood, I didn't necessarily want to speak to him either way.

The tension in the house was still high but no one really said anything. Jonah and I were happy, along with Sophia and Corbyn. It was just weird knowing what happened at the gala.

No word about my sobriety had been said, but I knew it was a topic Corbyn and Sophia wanted to discuss but Jonah shut it down every time. He said it wasn't their business and it really wasn't.

They've still been on the look out for Bunny but she hadn't shown her face since the day one of their men saw her. She was hiding, and she was doing it well.

The guys were out 'taking care of things' that night so it was just Sophia and I. She went to bed a few hours ago, but I stayed awake, I always did until I knew Jonah was home safe.

"Fuck!" I jumped up in bed, to the faint sounds of mumbled cruise words.

The front door closed quickly and I heard quiet rustling sounds coming from downstairs. I knew it was the guys because their voices definitely weren't the quietest right then.

I lightly threw the blanket off me, getting out of the bed. My feet touched the cold hardwood floor as I tightened the string to my sweatpants.

I heard a few more cuss words and annoyed bickering as I left the room, slowly going down the stairs.

"Just let me have a shot of vodka, take the edge off" Jonah groaned, sounding like he was almost in pain

"Fuck no, take some pain killers and suck it up" Jack chuckled

"I'll go get some from the bathroom" I heard footsteps leave the kitchen and I froze in place at the bottom of the stairs.

Zach strolled out of the kitchen, freezing as he saw me.

"Fuck, I want her dead! I'm gonna fucking kill her!" Jonah shouted with pure anger

"She's gone, I took care of it" Corbyn answered back

"Uh, Y/n's awake" Zach shouted back towards the kitchen

"Fuck" Jonah mumbled

"What's going on?"

"Are you squeamish with blood?" Zach raised an eyebrow and I felt my heart stop

"No, I don't think so" The whole time we talked, bickering kept coming through the walls of the kitchen. Whatever was going on in there, wasn't good.

"Can Y/n come in?" Zach shouted over the voices

"Sure, just get me the damn pills" Jonah groaned.

Zach nodded his head towards the kitchen before running off towards the downstairs bathroom.

I walked slowly from the steps, going towards the kitchen, trying to prepare myself for whatever was going on in there.

There was blood, someone had to of gotten hurt. Jonah was asking for alcohol or pain killers, so it had to have been him, right?

I held my breath as I turned the corner to go into the kitchen. My heart stopped seeing Jonah laid out on the kitchen island with a blood soaked towel on his shoulder, just above his collar bone.

"Hey doll face, what are you doing up?" Jonah said through gritted teeth but he put on a smile as he looked at me

"What happened?" I slowly walked towards Jonah, weaving my way through Corbyn and Jack who were getting out random medical supplies that were secretly hidden around the kitchen.

"Nothing bad, don't worry. Do you know what time it is? You should be asleep" He tried to make light of the situation, he tried to calm my nerves even though it should have been me calming his.

"Did you get shot?" Jonah grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. Once I got close enough, he grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me down for a kiss

"Be a doll and hand me that vodka over there" He pointed to the counter across from him

"If either of you touch any of my alcohol, I will personally kill-"

"Finish that fucking sentence, I dare you" Jonah cut Corbyn off and propped himself up on his elbows. He groaned in pain but he fought it to keep his tough facial expression

"Either help, or move aside" Corbyn ignored Jonah's comment and began walking towards him with a few tools in his hands

I stepped aside, letting them do what they needed to do.

Corbyn removed the towel from Jonah's shoulder and I instantly looked away as blood seeped through a bullet hole.

"Where the fuck is Zach!?" Jonah groaned as he tensed his jaw.

"I'll go check" Jack scurried out and we were left with an awkward silence besides Jonah's low huffs of pain.

"Doll face, can you grab a clean towel?" It was clear how much pain he was in but refused to show it when he spoke to me

I walked over, grabbing a clean towel off the counter beside the vodka and passed it to him. He quickly grabbed it from my hand and shoved it into his mouth just before he let out a muffled scream.

I looked around Jonah to see what Corbyn was doing. He held a pair of tweezers in the wound, fishing around for the bullet stuck in him.

"Do you know who shot you?" I looked towards Jonah but the question was really directed at anyone who'd give me an answer

"Erin" Corbyn mumbled as he held his concentration

"Is she-"

"I killed her, she's gone"

I wanted to feel bad or any sad emotion that she was dead but the slight smirk didn't leave my lips. Finally she was gone and out of Jonah's life. I wondered if he was upset, since their given history but I didn't care if he was sad, I let myself be selfish for the moment until Jack and Zach walked in

"What took you guys so fucking long?" Jonah had pulled the towel from his mouth

"Sophia is awake, we had to explain to her that it wasn't Corbyn who was hurt, so she went back upstairs" Jack explained, placing the pill bottle beside Jonah's head

"Glad to know she cares" Jonah rolled his eyes before placing the towel back in his mouth

"Where's Daniel?" I broke the uncomfortable silence between the group

"He's on vacation with his girl, Jonah let him leave for a while, after the... incident?" Zach questioned the word incident as there really wasn't a proper word for what happened

I nodded my head before taking Jonah's hand in mine as Corbyn finally pulled the bullet out of his shoulder and placed it down on the counter

"Souvenir?" Corbyn chuckled, wiping the blood off the bullet on a clean towel

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