8. Stuck in this... situationship

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«I really don't get why you couldn't wait a minute until I finished»

«Because if I wait I'll be late. And also because I love getting on your nerves». Shawn smirked and nudged her arm, making her smear the toothpaste all over her face.

Camila gasped and slapped his shoulder. «You're a dick» she complained, but her laugh gave her away.

They were getting ready to go out, but not together.. Shawn had been invited to a guys' night with his colleagues, and even if he really didn't want to go, he had nothing better to do. None of those men were under thirty years old and he wondered how he was supposed to enjoy his night with people that old. Okay, maybe they weren't that old, but still...

The truth was he rather be with someone else, someone who unfortunately couldn't hang out with him. Camila and Tanisha had already made plans, which included a couple - or more - of fruity cocktails and a lot of gossiping. The idea of his wife in a bar with a friend, getting buzzed and surrounded by other men, didn't set well with Shawn. Was he jealous? No, no, absolutely not. He was simply worrying for Camila. And yet, the view of the girl in that dress which hugged her curves perfectly really bugged him. Oh damn, he was jealous! He considered saying something, but at the end he opted not to. He wouldn't want to say something he could regret, and knowing how independent Camila was, there was a good chance he would make her angry. So, he sealed his lips. Happy wife, happy life, they said.

Camila slipped on her black stilettos, grabbed her purse and kissed her husband goodbye. She could sense his stare on her back and patted herself on the shoulder for getting a reaction out of him. It was exhilarating how much he was trying to bite his tongue, whether because he didn't want to admit out loud how much he found Camila attractive, or because he couldn't stand the idea that she was all dressed up to go somewhere without him. Usually she was a sweet girl, but every now and then she let out the vixen inside her.

When she arrived at the bar, Tanisha greeted her with a drink. The two young women started chatting about their lives, catching up on the events of the previous weeks that they spent apart. Camila let her friend talk as much as she wanted, but the girl hurriedly summed up, too impatient to listen to whatever Camila had to say about her married life. Chuckling because of Tanisha's eagerness, Camila sipped her drink and started to sing like a bird. «Well, it's good... like really good. But at the same time I'm so frustrated. Lately we can't keep our hands to ourselves. We're always kissing and cuddling, but then nothing happens»

«Nothing nothing

«Yeah, nothing nothing. We're in this sort of limbo where we act like lovebirds, but we never take things further. We're married but we never speak about our feelings. And the more time passes and the more I'm confused. Shawn said we should give it a try but he never asked for us to be a real couple, and now we're stuck in this... situationship»

Tanisha cocked an eyebrow. «A situationship?»

Frustrated while thinking about Shawn, Camila gripped her hair. «You know, we're not in a real relationship, but we aren't just friends either, so I call it a situationship».

Tanisha tried not to laugh, but it was a difficult task. Not only she found exhilarating Camila's neologism, but also the weird affair between the two newlyweds, that to her seemed so easy to resolve. It was obvious that those two were into each other, and even if Tanisha couldn't tell if it was real love, it was undeniable that the chemistry between the two went beyond a simple attraction. She understood that they started as friends, but she also thought that two people that claim to have no interest for the other don't marry while they're drunk. In vino veritas, to quote an old saying... Anyway, Tanisha decided to bite her tongue and keep the blatant solution to herself since she knew Camila wouldn't be pleased to hear it.

The two girls kept on chatting and drinking all night long, not caring about the passing of the time. In the meanwhile, Shawn had returned home to a silent, empty apartment. The night with his coworkers went smooth, and after all he had his fair share of fun. Nothing too extreme, but at least he hadn't spent the night in a corner dying of boredom. When he finally decided to head back home it was past midnight so he was expecting to find his wife already there. And now, the dark rooms told him that he was wrong.

He got ready to go to bed, but once under the covers, he felt restless. All he was able to do was thinking about Camila and where she could possibly be. What was she doing? Why was she still out? Did something happen to her? He prayed he was just overthinking it. Lying in bed became an impossible task, and Shawn found himself pacing restlessly around the living room, biting his nails and trying to reach out to his wife. After a quick look to her socials, he assessed she was still at the bar. He was relieved, but at the same time he was starting to get annoyed. She could at least have the decency to send him a text to let him know she was going to be late!

Flopping on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown shadowing his face, Shawn decided to wait for Camila right there. And wait he did. The clock ticked and ticked, and time passed. The sound of the city traffic softly filled the room and the faint lights of the cars passing by quickly beaconed his frame. Finally, when he started to consider going to the bar himself to go get her, he heard the jingling of her keys. A tipsy Camila walked in, gasping in fear when she took notice of the stoic man waiting for her. With a hand over her chest and her eyes wide, she exclaimed: «Shit! You almost gave me a heart attack!»

Shawn just kept silent. He stared at her while she kicked off her heels and started to lower the zip of her tight dress, all the while trying to walk in a straight line to the bedroom. In a minute she took notice of Shawn's cold demeanor and turned to him, slowly, with a puzzled look. «You okay?» she asked hesitantly.

Maybe it was all the pent-up anger that he had felt during the previous hours, or maybe was the overwhelming apprehension he tried to keep at bay while waiting for her, but after hearing her words, he lost all of his patience. «Am I okay? Am I okay, Camila? No, of course that I'm not! Where the hell have you been?»

She wasn't expecting his outburst, and the fact that he was scolding her like a teenager who ignored her curfew was embarrassing her. «At the bar, like I told you...»

Shawn pointed to the clock on the wall. «It's almost two am, what time do you call this? This is ridiculous, I've been worrying for you since I came back!»

Camila's head was begginning to pound because of all the drinks, and facing an angry Shawn wasn't in her list that night. Hands up in front of her, she stopped him. «Wait, I never asked you to»

Fire ignited Shawn's eyes as his lips flattened in thin, hard line over his face. «You never asked me to. Okay Camila, so go ahead and do this stunt all over again! Here I am, concerned because my wife seems vanished, but it's my problem?...»

Shawn kept ranting but Camila involuntarily tuned him out. She saw his lips moving, and the vein on his neck pulsating. She found him super-hot, too bad she was too tired even to spell out that thought. Yawning, she finally said: «Look, I'm sorry okay?» even if she wasn't paying attention to a word he was saying. «Now I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Shawn, see you tomorrow».

He couldn't believe his eyes. She had to be kidding him. But when she turned on her heels and headed to the bedroom, he snapped. «You're not going to sleep next to me tonight». She stopped on her tracks and gave him a weird look. «You heard me baby. Take your pillow and a blanket, you're spending the night on the couch. I'm in no mood to share my bed with you». It took only a few of his big steps to enter his bedroom, grab her pillow and a quilt, and shoving them in her arms, finally slamming the door behind him. «Goodnight Camila. I'll see you tomorrow» he grumbled behind the wooden surface, while a shocked Camila blinked in confusion and ultimately walked back to the living room. 


A/N. I know I'm the worst at updating, so once again I'm sorry. Not sure when I'll update again, but I hope it won't take me more than a week. In the meanwhile I'd love to read your comments. I'll also try to rack my brains to see if I'm able to write something for my other stories, I know a few of you are dying for a new chapter of SMLABH. 

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