7. No longer a taboo

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There should have been tension around them, they should have felt awkward and uncomfortable, instead they were happy. They hadn't addressed the quick peck of the previous day, but maybe they didn't need to. They felt at ease and closer than ever, and even if none of them had explicitly said out loud that their relationship had changed, both felt the sparkle that had ignited their interest.

That night, when they laid together on their bed, their bodies spontaneously reached for the other, and before their eyelids closed, their limbs were tangled together. Cuddling felt weird and magnificent at the same time, the warmth of the other felt good despite the summer heat. Camila wasn't used to hear Shawn's breath on her neck, and in other circumstances she would have been irritated to sense someone else's whiff on her skin. But this was Shawn, the steady rhythm of his chest and the puff of his breath were calming, lulling her to sleep. Shawn too was surprised to find out that he didn't mind that closeness. He never had a problem with cuddling and touching a girl, he actually enjoyed that part. The downside was that his arm always suffered under the weight of someone else's body. But when it came to Camila, Shawn didn't mind waking up with a numb arm.

As the days passed by, the bizarre couple of friends started to forget the limits of their agreement, blurring the line with every caress they gave. Now, the little peck in the morning became a routine that both of them craved, so before Shawn exited the door, he linked his lips with Camila's, every time wishing it could last a little longer. And soon their cuddling on the couch or in bed turned into a much more explicit display of affection, a demonstration none of them minded.

That evening Shawn was complaining about work, saying his shoulders were tense and achy due to the lumpy chair in his office. Camila didn't hesitate a second before stepping behind him and massaging his shoulders and neck. She felt his muscles relaxing under her firm touch, all the while silently appreciating the view of his toned back and the warmth of his skin. After about ten minutes she softly said: «Here you go» and bent to kiss his cheek. At the same moment Shawn turned his head and, once again, their mouth touched. This kiss was unexpected and Camila gasped, but before she could pull away, Shawn laid a hand behind her head keeping her close to him. That was all it took for Camila to surrender.

For the very first time after their wedding night, they were kissing like they really meant it. Their noses bumped and their breath mingled, as tongues and lips danced together with passion. Shawn gently pulled his wife on his lap, cupping her delicate face with his big palms, and Camila tangled her fingers in his curls pulling him closer to her. The kiss was passionate and soft at the same time. It wasn't rushed nor sloppy, but they were definitely enjoying it. Slowly, they finally moved away from each other, and still smiling against his lips, Camila whispered: «That was quite the kiss».

Shawn, mesmerized by her presence, brushed a few strands of her chocolate hair away from her face. He looked at her kindly and lovely, an unforeseen serenity washing over him. He pecked her nose then her lips one more time before speaking again. «Yeah» he murmured with a raspy voice. «Was it okay? Are we okay?».

Camila couldn't ignore how his hands tighten their grip on her hips, not so much that it hurt her, but enough to let her understand he was nervous. She shrugged and looked at him smiling. «I liked it, so I think we're good. I would be definitely mad at you if you were a bad kisser». Her giggles were contagious, and soon they were both laughing without an apparent reason.

From that moment, kissing was no longer a taboo for them. They kissed whenever they could: when they were cooking together, when they were watching tv, when they went to bed to sleep and also when they opened their eyes first thing in the morning. Between all that kissing though, they had yet to discuss the status of their relationship. And we all know that this could lead to misunderstandings and drama...

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