Chapter Four

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The school day was only half done when Stiles, Lydia, Scott, Allison, and Malia sat down for lunch.

The friends made jokes and laughed but there was obivious tension in the group. It was as if there was a weight bearing down on the small group of friends, a weight that had been there ever since Stiles had walked into school a few weeks ago totally different.

The group pretended that nothing had changed but they could all tell something had happened to their friend, but when any of them had tried to ask him about it he would quickly either change the subject or yell at them, telling them that it was none of their business.

Stiles looked different too. His skin was pale and he had lost a lot of weight making the already skinny boy skinnier. His face was sad and tired. His eyes looked like they had been shattered and there was no hope of putting them back together.

Scott knew Stiles wasn't sleeping. He had picked up that little piece of information when he overheard his mom on the phone with the Sheriff;

"... Not sleeping Melissa. I'm worried about him."

"Of course you are Noah. Just because Stiles and you aren't on the best terms doesn't mean you can't worry about him. He's still your son."

"Sometimes I know he wishes he wasn't."

Melissa sighed into the phone, "How's Lincoln?"

"Worried about Stiles. He knows somethings wrong he just doesn't know what."

"Melissa, I want Stiles to get help but every time I bring it up he just erupts."

"What do you think is wrong with him?"

It was the Sheriff's turn to sigh, "He picked up smoking, he's not sleeping, doesn't eat, won't talk to me, and he picked up drinking. He probably thinks I don't know but I've seen it. Melissa I'm afraid he's trying to kill himself."
The Sheriff's voice was sad and tired almost identical to Stiles own voice. "Melissa I can't lose my son. And Lincoln can't lose his brother."

The Sheriff was on the verge of tears now.

"I know Noah. I know."

Scott snapped out of the memory and back to the present, he turned his gaze onto his best friend. He couldn't lose Stiles they'd been through to much together. From Stiles mom dying to dealing with the supernatural.

Scott made a promise to himself. No matter what happened, he wouldn't lose Stiles.

Stiles wasn't interested in the food in front of him and he wasn't really listening to his friends sitting around him,  joking and laughing. His mind was trained on something else.

Sitting beside him on the opposite side of Malia, sat a girl. She had dark skin and she wore a long sleeve red shirt and jeans, an outfit much to hot to wear in this weather. He knew she was a ghost because his friends paid her no attention. His suspicion was confirmed when she turned and looked over at him her eyes a black abyss. His own whiskey colored eyes stared back at her.

She was had tears running down her face but never falling. It was as if she had died crying.

She looked to be Stiles age.

He wondered how she had died.

As if she could read his thoughts the girls voice quivered, "I'm de-dead?"


Her face ran with even more tears and her sobs pierced his heart.

Stiles sighed inwardly he really didn't want to have to deal with this at school. He had dealt with a few other ghosts who didn't know that they were dead but they weren't typically common.

"No, no I can't be dead! I-I don't even remember dying and an- oh! What about Jasper?"

The girl looked to him as if Stiles had any ideas who Jasper was.

Instead of answering the girl he pretended she wasn't there, turning his head back to his friends and trying to join in their conversation.

But the girl was persistent. She kept nagging Stiles begging him to tell her where Jasper was. She was getting angrier the more he ignored her to the point where she was yelling directly into his ears screaming at him. It was piercing and blocked out everything his friends where saying to the point where Stiles had to put his hands to his ears in an attempt to block out the noise.

The boys futile efforts did nothing to block out the screaming dead girl though.

Stiles wondered why Lydia couldn't hear the girl but maybe it was because the girl wasn't addressing Lydia. It was possible Lydia only heard the dead when they wanted her to hear them.

The screaming in Stiles ears was starting to get louder and he could feel his ears start to bleed. He probably looked crazy.

Than all of the sudden Stiles snapped,

"Mali spiritus non periit!"

The lunch room went silent.

Stiles uncovered his bleeding ears and realized that every gaze in the lunch room was on him.

He looked to his right but the girl was gone.

His friends where looking at him with questioning looks on their faces. Stiles really didn't want to deal with anyone so he stood up and walked out of the lunch room. He ran through the halls of the school and out to his jeep. He turned the key and was relieved when the old jeep started.

He pulled out of the school parking lot and just drove. He didn't want to go home in case Noah was there. He didn't really have anywhere else to go so he didn't go anywhere opting to just drive in silence.

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