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"It's so good to see my wee bairn back to her old self!" Shadwell said happily. He and Tracey were going to be staying with them for the next few days, all the way through Christmas Eve and even until New Years. Crowley and Aziraphale agreed that their company would help keep Eden's spirits lifted.

"I'm just glad that you and Tracey were able to come before the snow storm hit." Eden replied. She and Shadwell had been joking with one another nonstop and it was a reassuring sight for both parents.

Crowley could watch his daughter laugh and smile for eternity, but he turned to meet his husband's gaze as Aziraphale led him out of the room. "Come on love, let's let her have some quality time with Shadwell." The two of them had to head to the kitchen anyway to prepare Eden's special Christmas Eve meal anyways.

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