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"No! Out of the question!" Aziraphale said sternly.

"Please Papa? Just for a few minutes? She'll behave herself I promise!" Eden wanted to see her puppy, Star. But after the pup accidently stepped on her stomach wound Aziraphale had banned the pup from being allowed to sit on Eden's lap.....even going as far as to not letting the pup in the room at all.

"I will not have that creature risking your health Eden. Now, for the last time, I want you to-"

"Oi, did somebody wanna see her puppy?" Crowley asked as Eden's bedroom door swung open and in walked her Daddy holding a squirming black and white puppy.

"Yes yes yes!" Eden squeeled happily as she pushed herself up, rather painfully, making Aziraphale even more agitated.

"Crowley! That dog is too wild for her at the moment and I will not risk having it step on her wound again!"

Crowley shrugged as he placed the pup on Eden's lap. "Aw they'll be fine angel, look Star's already settled down." And he was right, Star curled up into a ball as Eden began to pet her. It was as if the puppy knew that she had to be more careful around her new companion.

"You keep an eye on my angels Star while I go help Gabriel bring up the Christmas tree and decorations...." Crowley continued as he walked out of the room.

Aziraphale glanced worriedly at Eden but she smiled at him. "See, Papa! Everything is fine!" 

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