Chapter 3 - The Unfortunate Capture (Re-Write)

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Location: "Azur Lane Academy."
Date: "June 5th."
Time: "1500."
Pov: "Alex."
Status: "Unavailable."

It's been 4 days since we got attacked twice. The first time was the base and the second time was towards a fleet coming towards Azur Lane since they were notified of an attack and almost a possible capture of a Commander, aka me. We also had to save a couple of Dragon Empery girls... It wasn't looking too good for us right now.

And my personal maid even arrived... Belfast.

"We must re-build quickly so we can strike back, especially after saving those Dragon Empery girls." Wales said to everyone in the room. The people who were in the room were: Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Hood, Belfast, Enterprise, Bismarck, Illustrious, Cleveland, Hornet and Unicorn.

"Yes . . we don't know if they will strike again." Belfast slowly said. "But we should rest, we have been working hard for the past 4 days, if we continue on this course we will all be drained."

"Yes that is true . ." Queen Elizabeth took a sip of her tea. "But we mustn't lower our guard either way."

"Especially for my Iron Blood comrades . . Well . . no longer comrades, they will attack with no hesitation now knowing there Flagship betrayed them." Bismarck then looked at me.

"The Commander was helping out greatly for the past few days and hasn't gotten any rest." Illustrious said as everyone looks at him as he was standing looking out the window like how Wales does, but he was most likely in a trance. "Alex? Everything ok?"

I sigh, still looking out the window. "The rules have changed... We don't know who's friend or foe anymore... Considering I almost got shot down twice so far. We're slowly losing but what can we do... We're fighting a lose battle at this rate." They all watch, not knowing what to exactly say. "Crimson Axis will win this war... And the entire world will be at risk. And I don't even know what to do about it at this point." I put my head against the glass and closed my eyes.

Everyone in the room was silent at his words. Until Hood spoke up. "Commander, we are all in this together. Please don't blame yourself for any of this. I'm sure we'll find a solution. And to what it looks like... Akagi may be wanting to redo World War 2."

"That already may be her goal." Warspite took a sip of her tea.

"Let's get to rebuilding shall we? Commander, what will you be doing in the mean time?" Queen Elizabeth would ask.

I sigh. "I don't know... But I think right now what we need to do is rearm, rebuild, and reinforce our defenses." I look at everyone in the room

"Right. Well then, shall we making this meeting adjourned?" Queen Elizabeth would ask. I shook my head though. "Is there something wrong, Commander?"

"Well... I heard that you guys did an Operation without me knowing. What's this Operation about?" I tilt my head, bit confused.

"Operation Cloak and Dagger, master." Belfast answered first. "We are currently still undergoing this operation. We haven't heard from them since, however."

She's been calling me that for the past few days now . . I cough into my arm. "I suggest we build later and get going . . if they haven't returned then they must've gotten spotted." He said

"He's right, good thinking, Alex. We should start to move out now." Wales said aloud.

"No. We need to wait." Everyone would look at me confused. "We need the night to our advantage."

"You always think of everything, do you?" Illustrious would giggle.

I roll my eyes. "Need to think of alternatives. The Pros, the Cons. Going in the day will cause us to be spotted and the mission will be a failure if they haven't been spotted."

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