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TW: Uncensored swearing.

"What the fuck was that?!" Creativity roared, earning a muttered 'language' from Morality.

"Perhaps we should discuss this somewhere else," Logic sighed "possibly even sometime else." He added quietly.

"Yeah, Logics right, we don't wanna risk concerning the public." Morality agreed, and the three scattered into the night.

Time-skipidy thing.

The next morning at school a caffeinated Roman grabbed a tired Patton as the latter came through the gates.

"Patton I don't understand!" Roman exclaimed, then added slightly quieter "Why didn't he debrief with us?"

"Maybe he was tired." Patton offered weakly, he knew this wasn't the case.

"Patt... Logic always debriefs." Roman pushed.

"Then I don't know, Roman." Patton sighed, getting a bit exasperated in his tired state.


"Virgil! What the hell was that stunt you pulled last night?!" Logan asked furiously (he was less angry at his friend and more angry that he didn't know what, whatever Virgil did, was) as he dragged an exhausted Virgil in the direction of the large oak.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The smaller boy responded, collapsing face first onto the ground, narrowly missing one of the tree's roots.

"Yes! You do."

"God, L! Just drop it."

"VIRGIL!" Virgil flinched and looked up with a glare. Logan corrected himself. "Virgil, I've known you for how many years now?"

Virgil looked down, guilt evident on his face. "Thirteen. Give or take a few..."

"Exactly. I know when you're lying." The elder sighed. "But, if it's making you that uncomfortable... I'll leave it alone for now."

"Gee, thanks, L." Virgil replied sarcastically.

Time skipidy-do-dar.

It was lunch and Patton was dragging Roman towards the oak, much like the day prior, as they had been told they could join the other four when they'd like (something that came as a surprise to Roman, since him and his twin don't get along overly well).

"Heya guys!" Patton exclaimed as he hopped over to Janus and Remus. "Wait where's Logan and Virgil?"

"Oh, you've got absolutely everything to worry about." Janus uttered sarcastically, causing Patton's eyes to widen in worry, and Janus rolled his eyes sighing "They'll be here shortly."

And they were.

The regular group of four sat and joked, while Patton and Roman, feeling slightly excluded (although that was not the intention), watched.

Remus being the trash rat that he is decided he would enlighten the others with some information that is less than appropriate for meal times.

"Didcha know..." Remus started, this was followed by mutterings of 'oh shit' and 'here we go' from his friends and brother, earning a confused look from Patton.

"That two raccoons could fit up ya butt?!" He finished excitedly, waiting for their reactions.

His boyfriend sighed "No. But it doesn't surprise me that you do."

Roman grimaced at his twin. "Oh. Uhm... well, okay." Patton muttered eyes wide behind his circular glasses.

"Jan calls me a raccoon really often," Roman and Patton turned to Virgil with puzzled looks and he gestured to his under - eye makeup "so I looked them up. So yeah, I did know that."

All eyes turned to Logan, he stared back. "I was aware, yes." He said with a straight face.


As they were nearing the end of lunch Logan remembered "OH!" For the second time that lunch, all eyes turned to him. "I'll be getting my hair braided again, at the weekend." He said, pulling at his afro a bit.

"Saturday or Sunday?" Virgil asked, turning back to his phone.

"Saturday. I'd be able to stop by your place on Sunday."

"Cool, I'll let Thomas know." Virgil replied, switching from tumblr to his messages to Thomas and sending a quick text to let him know that Logan would be putting in an appearance on Sunday.

Another one of them time skip things.

Virgil and Logan were walking out of school, the former nestled into the laters left armpit, his right hand holding Logan's left one. Logan gave Virgil a spin before tucking him back under his arm and asked "Meet me on the school roof later?" He was met with silence "We need to talk about last night."

"Ugh. Fine."

"Good. I'll see you there."

Virgil walked to his door, looked back, nodded at his friend and entered. The friend in question hesitated for half a second, before nodding to himself and leaving.

-Your narrator.

How am I doing? And more importantly: how are you doing?

How am I doing? And more importantly: how are you doing?

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This is pretty much Logan's design.

And this is basically my idea for Virgil's design

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And this is basically my idea for Virgil's design. (Except his left eye is a really really dark blue)

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